Oh, yeah, Reid. There's something in the water, all right. It's Oakdale where everyone is dramatic and ridiculous. Enjoy!!
Today's clips are chock full of important developments. So, let's all take a deep breath and dive in!
In the first part of today's episode we have Luke flirting on the pretext of getting some surgical lovin' off of Reid on behalf of his boyfriend. You know, the douche? Noah? Anyway, Luke really, really wants Noah to get his eyesight back. After all, he is Luke and he is made of love, but he's gonna cop a flirt in the process, okay? He deserves it after all the hell Noah's put him through.
Reid? Despite supposedly hating Luke? Seems to be okay with that and flirts right back. You can practically hear the sound of their pants going up in big, gay flames of lust for each other. Okay, I might be exaggerating just a bit. But only a very tiny bit.
But seriously, focus, Rhi! Sorry. They distract me. Anyway, Luke approaches Dr. Oliver, they exchange some zingers, and then Luke tries to bribe him to do Noah's surgery. I'm thinking that right about now, Reid realizes that Luke is a very focused kind of guy, completely bent on getting his boyfriend's needs met. Whether or not Reid translated that thought to the bedroom at this point? Well, I leave that to you to decide. Because I? I am trying to focus right now.
Noah is having a pity party for one, but decides it will be more fun if it's for two, and invites Maddie over. Once again, Noah treats his ex-girlfriend better than he treats Luke. Oh, who are we kidding? Noah treats anyone better than Luke. He'd probably be a real sweetheart to a confessed serial killer so long as the guy agreed with him that Luke is problematic and, more importantly, wrong.
Noah has Maddie take him to the hospital because he has to try to get Dr. Oliver to operate on him without Luke's intervention. You know, in general, I don't have a problem with that idea. What I do have a problem with is the fact that Noah acts like Luke is the only reason Dr. Oliver hasn't fixed him already. Pfft. Reality check, Mr. Mayer.
And speaking of that, let's all give a big old standing O for Maddie! I mean, at least she seems to get the point that a) Luke is responsible for Dr. Oliver being in Oakdale in the first place, b) Luke loves Noah, and c) Luke acts like he cares about Noah because, *gasp*, he cares about Noah.
Now, in a very important part of this first clip, we see our meet-cute for the other OTP of this storyline! Reid and Katie!! BFFs 4-ever!!! Carve their names in the tree with hearts and friendship bracelets oh my!!! Ahem, sorry. Got ahead of myself there. Right now? They're complete strangers in a coffee shop, but Reid's got a thing for spunky, persistent, blond people with great smiles, because Katie has him where she wants him within minutes.
Also in this part of the episode, we hit the beginning of Luke's Very Bad Week Involving His Very Bad Dad. Damian calls, and demands that he see Luke immediately. It's all very dramatic and mysterious. Dun-dun-dun! Go to the next clip to see what happens next!
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbGoKHI4rHw In the second part of today's episode, Damian hands over Grimaldi Shipping to Luke, along with a lot of reassurance that everything Damian did was out of love for Luke and Lily. I mean, don't get me wrong, I think that's true, and that's totally where Luke gets his crazy loyalty and devotion, but given the circumstances, well, Damian's love is sort of messed up. And then there is an emotional goodbye. With tears and hugging. Oh, Luke! I love you and your bad daddy!
Reid and Katie! Reid hates hotels and thinks they are germ factories. Katie thinks Reid's a podiatrist because neurosurgeons would be nicer. Jacob is examined, an understanding is reached, and Reid has a new home. Voila! If it seemed fast to you, that's because Katie's just. that. easy. when it comes to the Reidster, okay? You would be too. All right, all right, so maybe it's vice versa, and Reid's just that easy for Katie. They are peanut butter and banana, okay? Not as perfect as peanut butter and jelly, 'cause that's Reid and Luke, but right up there with it. Meant to be.
Also in this episode, Luke's Grimaldi side is discussed by Noah and Maddie. Ugh. Let's just quote the douche for a moment, okay?
Sometimes it's like Luke is just...two different people. There's this amazing grounded guy with solid parents --
Um, who? I mean, yeah, Luke's amazing. But solid parents? Grounded guy? He's Luke and he's made of awesome, but he's also got self-absorbed, emotionally destructive parents, and he's got his own self-destructive streak a mile wide, and a horrible childhood full of people getting shot in front of him at weddings, a poisoned aunt, a kidnapping, a kidney transplant, and alcoholism! Who is this Luke of which you speak, Noah? Oh, right, it's the one who lives in your imagination, and the reason why you resent the real Luke so much. After all, who could live up to that? Especially the real Luke Snyder?
Whatever, Noah. Go away. You suck.
Let's give Maddie another standing ovation because of this comment about the risk that Luke took in getting Reid to Oakdale: "Maybe this risk will pay off...because your big bad brain surgeon would still be in Dallas instead of walking toward us right now."
Yes, Maddie. Please explain to the douchebag the way that it is, okay? Thank you.
Noah convinces Reid to give him another chance. Of course, he takes the tack of, oh, throwing Luke under the bus, but what's new about that? Reid's unimpressed by Noah's attempt to minimize his relationship with Luke, as am I, but you saw that coming, right? Yet Reid does agree to let Noah become his patient.
But Reid extracts a promise: Keep Mr. Snyder out of my orbit. Deal?
Um, sounds like Reid doesn't want Luke around. Sounds like that works for Noah, frankly.
Then Reid meets Henry. Good times to follow. But not in this clip.
Back to Luke's Very Bad Day -- Lily's in the hospital because of the drama with Damian. Luke's got to come see her, and runs into Noah who delivers the news that Dr. Oliver is going to take him on as a patient after all.
Luke's Very Bad Day now includes Noah and his Very Self-Absorbed Douchery -- notice the way that Noah twists Dr. Oliver's words when relaying to Luke the conditions of the deal that he struck with Reid. Reid didn't say anything at all about Luke staying away from Noah. He said he wanted Luke to stay away from him.
So, Noah, unless you're planning on spending 24/7 in Dr. Oliver's presence, the mandate shouldn't affect your life at all. And if you weren't such a manipulative, lying, punishing douche, you could still be sharing Luke's warm bed at night, and plowing his fine ass, and Dr. Oliver would only be full of raging envy couldn't care less. But, no, you're such a coward that you twist doctor's orders to do your dirty work for you.
You won't break up with Luke, but you can't stand to be around him either, so you use your doctor's dislike as a cover to say that you can't spend any time with him at all or you might not get your precious surgery. Lame Noah. Lame and abusive given the fact that you clearly seem to hate Luke, want him to suffer, and won't cut him free on your own so that he can at least move on. YOU SUCK.
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ9ujReYhtQ Okay, ladies and gentlemen, apparently, I was feeling really chatty. Future installments will likely not be so lengthy. Hopefully you enjoyed my babbling. If not. Just pretend it was Reid. He's so pretty when he babbles. At least Luke thinks so.