"You don't need to call me Mr. Snyder"

Jan 10, 2011 09:25

Welcome to the Luke/Reid rewatch! Our first episode is from January 19th, 2010. Luke and Reid speak over the phone for the first time, as Reid understandably tells Luke that no, he won't drop everything and fly to Oakdale to examine Noah. Well, we all know Luke Snyder doesn't take no for an answer, don't we ( Read more... )

bad dad is kinda good, video, reid's bringing sexy back, luke/reid rewatch, being noah's boyf is v depressing :(, awesome moments in history, reid pwns noah, noah is scared of luke's peen

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rhiannonhero January 10 2011, 16:55:52 UTC

Oh Luke, why must you be such a sweetheart?

Because Luke is LOVE. Love, love, love. He does it for love, he's made of love, he is LOVE. *sigh*

I'll admit, when I first saw Dr. Oliver I wasn't really impressed. I mean I didn't particularly find him attractive,

I will be probably one of the few to agree with you on this. I remember telling my bestie, Jed, that I was totally falling for Luke/Reid on ATWT and saying, "But, I don't really find Reid all that hot." Ummm, I'm sorry, Reid!!! I WAS WRONG. WRONG WRONG WRONG. :P I still think I view his sexiness in a different way than many fans, though, in that I find him nerd-sexy, and a lot of fans seem to just find him straight-up-sexy, and I get confused by that. Like, I don't think that Reid = Everyone's Cuppa. I think he's an acquired taste of hotness for a lot of people. Including me. :) And now I love his hotness!

Where I might slightly disagree with your sentiment is that I was intrigued by him from the instant I saw him on the screen, even though I didn't initially find him hot. I thought he was interesting, funny, and I didn't want to look away or miss a word.

I love Luke even more for having doubts about it pretty much the second he's off the phone.

I love that about him, too!!!! Oh, Luke!!!

Van and Eric, they just have brilliant chemistry.

I wonder what makes chemistry? It just can't be faked, you know? It's there or it's not. They had it in super spades. Jake and Van? Not so much. They never sparked.

Oh really Noah? REALLY? Gotta love the fact that Noah has no issue with Luke breaking the law when it benefits him. He's such a Douche!!!

Word. WORD. He's got no moral compass but his own self-interest. Ugh.


cam_a January 10 2011, 17:54:01 UTC
Where I might slightly disagree with your sentiment is that I was intrigued by him from the instant I saw him on the screen, even though I didn't initially find him hot. I thought he was interesting, funny, and I didn't want to look away or miss a word.

Oh don't get me wrong, I was hooked as well. What I meant was just that I wasn't like "OMG he's hot, him and Luke need to get it on right now!" LOL I just meant that it was the snark that got me interested initially.

And I agree completely, that Reid (or Eric) isn't everyones cuppa, as you put it. He doesn't have the look of a 'usual' leading man. What he does have however is tons of charisma, talent, and the ability to really draw the viewer in. And yep I agree that Reid is sexy in a different way. But I will say that, at the end of the show I think he sort of transcended that. He became straight up sexy for me, in a completely superficial way as well, and the scene(s) that really did it for me were the ones that took place in Java, like the one where Reid is trying to give Noah the number of a doctor in L.A and of course the scene where Luke blurted out that he told Noah he was on love with Reid. Reid/Eric was fucking gorgeous and sexy as hell in those scenes. Everything just worked brilliantly. Hair, makeup, clothing, lighting etc. really was just spot on and he looked fucking HOT! *grin*

Regarding Van and Eric's chemistry;
They were seriously on fire in their scenes. As for Van and Jake...I agree, they never had that. And I think maybe part of the blame can be put on casting. I think Jake is a sweetheart, but I think he was the wrong guy to play Noah. If they had gotten a guy who was maybe a little more willing to 'go there' and bring some sexuality to Noah they could have been awesome, even with the same old lame script. I mean look at Van, he has chemistry with pretty much everyone he ever acted with. But him and Jake as Luke and Noah, not so much.


rhiannonhero January 10 2011, 18:03:58 UTC
Everything just worked brilliantly. Hair, makeup, clothing, lighting etc. really was just spot on and he looked fucking HOT! *grin*

Yes. I completely agree. Guh!!!!! He also had some sort of vibe in that scene like he'd just gotten laid, even though we know he hadn't, and so in my mind I've imagined that he had just jerked off in the shower thinking about Luke. GUH!!!!


bigboobedcanuck January 10 2011, 19:16:56 UTC
I do think Eric is just straight-up hot/sexy, but my type tends to be different than the usual. I tend toward slim/lean guys, and he's right up my alley.

I think Van and Jake had sweet chemistry, but that the only time they were hot was the first summer. I think after that, their real-life friendship changed their chemistry and it lost that spark. Of course, the characters were also in an established relationship, and the excitement was gone. Jumping on the bed is the furthest you can get from hot. :|


cam_a January 11 2011, 03:37:31 UTC
Oh I find him very sexy now as well. I guess you can he grew on me. LOL I think as I got to know more and more about him the sexier he became. On top of that, his look changed during the show.


smoothlikebutta January 11 2011, 03:30:36 UTC
They were seriously on fire in their scenes.

Definitely. I think their chemistry had a lot to with why I fell in love with LuRe.


cam_a January 11 2011, 03:38:19 UTC
Oh most. definitely.


Re: Attraction pghbekka January 11 2011, 02:23:37 UTC
Definitely goes to the "sexuality is complex thing." I definitely found him attractive right away, though he isn't typical leading man quality. I'm NOT personally attracted to Luke, or tangentially, Brian OR Justin. Put either pair together, though, and HOLY HOTNESS BATMAN!

And while I have no interest in Luke, he definitely inspires "whatever his little heart desires" in me!


Re: Attraction rhiannonhero January 11 2011, 03:42:27 UTC
I'm NOT personally attracted to Luke, or tangentially, Brian OR Justin

I agree. Me either. :)


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