Part Sixty-two: "I've never had a girlfriend and I never will."

Apr 02, 2012 09:36

Jade comes by with the clothes that Natalie and Faith apparently left at Jade's apartment while Lily was in the hospital. Luke is angry that she's there, and says, "Jade, my mom just got out of the hospital! Have a little respect okay?" I loved his delivery there, reminded me of his scoldings of Reid in the past. It made me happy just to hear that tone of voice for some reason, and I could imagine Reid going all wide-eyed and confused in response. *sigh* Oh, I miss them. I really and truly miss them so much. Oh, and here comes the anger about how it all 'ended' and la la la la I can't hear you brain! Back to this clip!

Lily comes downstairs and wants to know what they are fighting about, and Luke says, "Mom, please just go back to bed." Aw, he's always looking out for other people.

Now I'm imagining a scenario where Luke and Reid are fighting, and his mom, who is totally pregnant again with...hmm, I guess Holden's baby, though it would be more fun if it was Damian's baby somehow...comes down and wants to know why Luke and Reid are arguing, and Luke tells her to go back to bed, and Reid's all, "No, I think she should know. She can handle it."

And Luke's like, "Reid!"

And Reid says, "Your son has some news he needs to break to you."

Luke's all, "REID!"

Reid says, "We're moving to Los Angeles."

"Temporarily!" Luke breaks in.

"For at least a year."

"What?" Lily asks, astonished and holding her big belly.

"Reid got offered a position that he just can't turn down. It's just a temporary thing, though. And...I might stay here."

"The hell you will!" Reid exclaims.

"Mom, go back to bed. Everything's fine. You need to rest...the baby....."

And of course Lily doesn't go back to bed, and it takes three episodes, maybe ten, to resolve the conflict.

Oh, uh, wait...sorry, let me get back to the actual clip, boring though it may be. God, I miss Reid.

Jade actually says something really important to Lily, and kind of awesome in the scheme of things: If you think it's okay to make him feel like he can't love somebody unless you approve, then you're the one with the problem.

Jade leaves in a huff, and Lily asks Luke if he thinks that's true. Does Luke think that Lily doesn't want him to be happy? Lily said, "I don't like her. She hurt me when she lied about being Rose's daughter, but I will forget all of that if she makes you happy. But I don't think that she does."

*heart clench* Oh, Lily, actually being a decent mom for a change.

So, now I'm thinking of how she was with Reid and how she really did just want Luke to be happy. She expressed her misgivings, but then seemed to stand out of the way when she saw that, for whatever reason, Reid made her son light up like Times Square. She might not have understood it, but she saw that Luke was happy, and she sees here that Luke is not happy with Jade. That is truefax.

Lily asks Luke if Jade really makes him happy, and when he says yes, Lily says she's going to try hard to be nicer to Jade because she loves him. Then she kisses his cheek and leaves red lipstick marks. LOL! And Luke looks super conflicted. Oh, woobie Luke! I love you!!!

Luke and Jade fight outside of Java, and Luke gets vicious the way that he can, and, damn, I love it.

Luke: You know, it doesn't surprise me that you're all alone, because you have no idea how to treat other people, and that's what being a family is all about. Other people.

Uh, sound familiar? I swear, the way he talks to Jade really reminds me of some of the best Luke/Reid interactions. I wonder...if Jade had been a hot dude instead of a hot chick, would Luke have fallen for her? Is there some AU fic out there where Jade is actually some guy instead? And Luke loses his virginity to him? Possibly before ascertaining that they aren't cousins? *shifty eyes* WHAT????? Have you read my stories? I'm perverted. Doncha know?

Jade says that she thought family was the one place you could be yourself and tell the truth about who you are and still be accepted. Hahahaaaaa!!!! Oh, Jade, clearly you really have never been part of a family, because that couldn't be farther from reality!

Will is watching Jade and Luke argue from the window of Java. Luke says he shouldn't just told his parents he's gay and trusted them. Jade tells Luke not to come out to his parents because he should do like he said and think about other people first. Then she leaves and Will comes out to talk to Luke.

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Jade goes to Holden with her fake relationship woes. Boring, yadda. We don't care. Let's move on.

Okay, seriously, the rest of this you just need to watch for yourself. I love this part with Luke coming out to Will. :) Skip all the B.S. with Jade and Holden. Ugh. Just watch the Will and Luke parts. Will encourages Luke to come out to his parents. WATCH IT! WATCH IT!!!!

Will is so awesome. I wonder what Reid would've thought of Will. *sigh* You know, the real Will, not the one who was lame on the day that never happened.

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jade is still here, luke's epic teenaged angst, luke = gayer than a box of birds, i am luke hear me roar, good dad is kinda bad, go luke! \o/, luke puts on his big boy pants, good dad is kinda good after all, luke's hair makes baby jesus cry, luke = love, luke snyder marathon, awesome moments in history

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