Part Forty-Nine: "Kevin, please don't walk out on me! Please! Just stay!"

Feb 17, 2012 18:15

Hola! So, we're kinda late with this thing. See, between us all, we've been sick, sick, slammed at work, on vacation, and sicker than sick. But that's no excuse! We will do better! Maybe! Maybe not! Because this is fandom and not work! But, you know, our intentions are good!

Luke accuses Jade of being "right where she wants to be" in their house with a lot of nice stuff at her fingertips. Looks like Luke's getting a better look at his cousin Jade! And he might not like what he sees! Jade admits that she wants to be part of their family, and Luke wants that for her, too, because he's Luke and he's a sucker for that kind of thing. Jade has some very serious adoption angst and it makes my heart hurt.

In the meantime, Emma reveals to Lily and Holden that Jade had taken Lily's bracelet. :( Luke talks about how he doesn't like to lie to his Grandma. <3 Then Jade pays Luke's affection back by rounding up Kevin for him. But Kevin is not pleased by it at first. Holden and Lily decide to wait and see if the kids (Jade & Luke) show up with a new charm on the bracelet.

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Jade is busted by Lily for maybe not being honest about how long she stayed in the orphanage. Then Kevin shows up and is all confused about why Luke would use Jade to lure him to the barn for a clandestine meeting. (Hint, Kevin: HE'S GAYER THAN A BOX OF BIRDS! AND HE WANTS IN YOUR PANTS! ISN'T THE BARN ROMANTIC ENOUGH FOR YOU!?!?) Kevin tells Luke he has too much baggage and that he's too much trouble, and Luke gets all handsy with him! It's like...when he would get handsy with a certain doctor he liked to touch. (But, also, really, Kevin? Too much trouble? :( That's Luke's deepest insecurity and you just clocked that nail with a big ol' hammer didn't you. Asshole.) Then Kevin starts saying, "Get your hands off me!" and Luke begs him, "Please don't walk out on me, please! Just stay!" in a moment ten times gayer than that back rub. (And also sadly reminiscent of the pleas ahead of Luke in his future - over and over with The Douche, and then on that horrible DAY THAT NEVER HAPPENED BY A HOSPITAL BED THAT NEVER HAD A GORGEOUS DOCTOR IN IT, OKAY!!?!?! NEVER.)

Holden witnesses this gay, gay, gay scene.

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arguing equals foreplay, luke's epic teenaged angst, luke = gayer than a box of birds, poor bb luke, arm touching = foreplay, luke's face, good dad is kinda good after all, luke gets his drama on, luke = love, luke snyder marathon, other oakdale ppl, manhandling equals foreplay

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