Title: Jello, or You're the Only One Like 'God Only Knows'
Written By: Rhiannonhero
Rating: NC-17
Luke: You know, that's weird -- I seem to remember another surgeon who was an arrogant self-proclaimed savior of mankind.
Reid: Yeah...I wonder what happened to him?
Let's find out.
A/N: This is a fix-it fic, so there is train, but remember - FIX-IT FIC. Also, Luke/Other and Reid/Other at times, but have faith.
I started this story almost a year ago now, and decided that the Big Bang challenge would give me what I needed to get it done. I learned a lot of things writing this story, but I'll spare you all of that for now. Many thanks to Alice who has been a huge help, as always, along the way. Many thanks to Aimee who loved it so much she made icons back when it was just a wee-thing! <3 Many thanks to Jed who reads all kinds of nonsense because she loves me. Many thanks to Peggin for the always wonderful input and help!