Because if Brett does it, I do it

Sep 17, 2005 20:21

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1) What languages does scott_eyre speak? Can you tell? I sure can't
2) How would kruk_y_kuip conquer the world? 50,000 watts
3) Do you have a crush on juliaschultz? You could call it that
4) If jason_schmidt took over the world, who would be happy? All the people that wear "Schmidt Happens" t-shirts
5) jason_schmidt's eye color? I don't know
6) Does not_brandon have a crush on jt_snow? Don't think so!
7) Has lance_niekro been to your house/dorm? Yes, in fact he lives there
8) Does moises_alou have a big secret? Moises ... secret ... Moises ... Doubt it
9) Would omar_vizquel be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate
10) Could you see todd_linden and jason_schmidt together? No, no I couldn't
11) Did scott_eyre break up with you? He did not (this is like that question "When did you stop beating your wife?")
12) What is scott_munter allergic to? Things he eats sometimes make him puke -- then again I'm not surprised
13) What is brett_tomko's shoe size? I don't know, do you think I've looked in his shoes??
14) Is brett_tomko an emo? *LAUGHS* This one, I have to say yes.
15) Is tyler_walker in a relationship? With Jack Daniels
16) What do you disagree with edgardo_alfonzo about? The use of cell phones in public spaces
17) Is edgardo_alfonzo related to omar_vizquel? No way, Josie
18) What is scott_eyre's favorite band/artist? I got asked that before by this same type of meme, so I'll go with my previous answer of Weird Al
19) What animal does moises_alou remind you of? Kangaroo
20) What is todd_linden's favorite food? Meat lovers pizza
21) What flavor of jello would juliaschultz be? Well, she looks good in a tub of blue raspberry jello, though it was a bit surreal looking.
22) What color should juliaschultz dye their hair? I think she should stop dyeing it because I want to see its natural color near her eyes! But I doubt she will
23) Where was michael_tucker born? We haven't discussed that
24) Has misskirstie dyed their hair? I'm sure at some time she has
25) Would brett_tomko go out with jason_schmidt? I ... don't see that happening, no
26) Would you set up misskirstie and tyler_walker? That would be pretty fun. Let's do it.
27) Is tyler_walker a college student? Not anymore
28) Are juliaschultz and ray_durham married? No, they are not
29) What rank would brett_tomko have in a giant robot army? What, I have no idea. This sounds too geeky for Brett.
30) Does kruk_y_kuip go to your school? School?
31) Would you make out with michael_tucker? No
32) One quality you find attractive in juliaschultz? Just one?
33) Is scott_eyre 1337? No, he's #47
34) What is tyler_walker's favorite game? Drinking game during the Presidental addresses
35) Do you think scott_munter is hot? Hot? I don't know about hot. His brain is pretty cool.
36) Do you have lance_niekro's screenname? Sure.
37) If todd_linden and misskirstie were spliced together, what would it be like? It would be one giant sex machine!
38) Where would edgardo_alfonzo most like to visit? Armando's bedroom
39) How many monkeys could not_brandon fight at once and win against? Oh, a million.
40) Would you ever date edgardo_alfonzo? No. Sorry Fonz.
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