
Mar 15, 2005 14:07

Name: Noah
Do you like it: Its streight
Nicknames: Depends on who there comming from......
Screen names: i got so many to run to throw you over.....pboynoah, romeozipdriv3r, noahissofine, tanmannoah.........and yay there all for diffrent reasonss
Birthday: Feburary 5th, 1988
Sign: IDk
Location: Burlington, North Carolina Graham
Crush: Crash!!!
Natural hair color: Black-Brown
Current hair color: Black-Brown
Eye color: Brown
Height: 5' 9" ish
Birthplace: Greensboro, moses cone bitch
Shoe size: 12 and somting

[ family ]

Parents: Samina and tanvir
Siblings: Fazel and Khadija
Live with: dad n mom
Most hated relative: Amber Riaz
[ favorites ]

Number: 18....cuase then im free.........
Color: I like colours.
Day: Sunday.
Month: December.
Song: enough of them
Movie: Disney Mulan.
Food: dont have one.
Band: Chevelle all the way.
Season: Winter.
Sport: i play something.....not really anymore.
Class: hmmmm yay
Drink: TANG!!
Veggie: IDk.
TV Show: Daily Show, Family Guy, or South Park. That's all I watch really. If I watch anything.
Radio Station: I don't usually listen to radio,
Store: ummm i do not like shopping
Word: Mmmhmmmmm
Animal: Dolphin!!!
Flower: Iris
State: NC beaches

[ this or that ]

Me/You: You
Coke/pepsi: coke
Day/night: Night
Aol/aim: aim
Cd/cassette: CD
Dvd/vhs: DVD
Jeans/khakis: Khakis
Car/truck: CARRRRR.
Tall/short: Tall.
Lunch/dinner: Dinner.
NSYNC/BSB: Back street boys!!!!
Britney/Christina: Christina.
Gap/Old Navy: Old navy
Lipstick/Lipgloss: Lipgloss, peppermint please.
Silver/Gold: silver
Alcohol/Weed: heh thats funny
[ love and relationships ]

Do you have a crush: no
How long have you liked him/her: forever and ever
Why do you like this person: thats for me to know
How long was your longest relationship: enough
How long was your shortest relationship: idk
Who was your first love: Aimee
What do you miss about them: Everything

[ the past ]

What is the one thing you would change about your past?: I know it just someting that you just dont say.....
Last thing you heard: "Sit down, your starting to get down on my nevrves"
Last thing you saw: My computer screen
Last thing you said: (typed) This
Who is the last person you saw: I don't know...
Who is the last person you hugged: aimee
Who is the last person you fought with: heh antone last night......
Who is the last person you were on the phone with:
What is the last song you heard: TRUTH
What are you wearing: Hoodie and jeans...........my normal normal
What are you doing: nothing
Who are you talking to: No one.
What song are you listening to: True - ryan
Are you online: Yea
How are you feeling: Upset, mad, pissed off......idk how to feel.
Are you in a chatroom: No

[ future ]

What day is it tomorrow?: tuesday.
What are you going to do after this: Go to history
Who are you going to talk to: No onne
Where will you be in 25 years: ill find out really soon i promise.

[ have you ever ]

Drank: hahahaha drugs.
Smoked: hahaha drugs.
Had sex: WOAH!!!!!!!!!!.
Stolen: Will preyer knows!!!!
Done anything illegal: im a good boy.....id like to belive that nayway
Wanted to die: Yes
Hit someone: Yes

[ other ]

Do you write in cursive or print: Print usually
Are you a lefty or a righty: Right handed
What piercings do you have: None......this summer.....SC......yeah......
Any tattoos: dont reallyh want one yet
Do you drive: whenever im called to.
Do you have glasses or braces: none sister has used up the teeth fund for the family with her crapped up mouth
Did you like this survey: No, it's a sturb.
How many fillings do you have: None
Do you think you're good looking:NOT AT ALL:
Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking: no people call me ugly....girls go EWWW when i say i have a crush on some other people....you get use to it....
Do you look like any celebrities: no not really, unless it was johnny depp
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