First dialogue..

Oct 16, 2008 09:06

Today is my first
dialogue in Japango (thanks for that term Sari) class!!111111111

I'm excited but I have the tummy-flys. >___<

My partner, Erica-san, and I will be playing the roles of Lee (Riiiiii - longated i sound, roll that tongue) and Alice (Arisu) Arisaka (last name pronounced - a-ri-sa-ka). YES, I AM THE GIRL! Arisu is a Japanese American student who transfered to a Japanese University. Ri is introducing himself and asking who, where, and what I'm doing here.

Arisu is from the Uesutosaido (westside) daigakuno (university) in Shikagodesu (Chicago, yay H4R0LD)! She's studying keizaigakudesu (engineering) and is a sannenseidesu (third year student).

=== Please forgive me if those translations are inaccurate==

Harold you pronounce Chicago as:

Shi - Like chi but with an 's' sound, so 'she' with the American pronounciation of 'e' works.
Ka -  'Kaw' the sound a crow makes
Go -  Stop and "go"
Des - D - e - s  ... um, like Diss but with an small 'e' sound. The 'e' is almost like 'eh'  (the 'u' is silent, it can be said but it's jank that way). [;


Anyway, Erica-san is very-very good at reading hiragana and speaking fairly well already... I say that's thanks to being half Japanese! So it's a bit intimidating but she's been a Saint! She's really helped me plug through the part of Lee - which is MASSIVE compared to Alice - and even stopped by my work and sat with me for about 30 minutes to review. She's missed the last couple classes so the last time we read I was still crutching off the romanji so I hope to suprise her with my improved skills, yo!

After my breakdown, I emailed my sensai with all my worries and concerns. She emailed me back providing a few ideas to improve my basic study habitis and invited me to call her on the weekend to cover some more things she had in mind! She's given me a brush and ink to practice writing hirigana in a more traditional manner and lots of ideas to increase my ability to retain the language.

I'm still struggling with remembering all the hirigana and some pronounciations however it's getting there. A lot of the students are move advanced so the class is moving a bit faster than what I and sensei expected. GOTTA PLAY CATCHUPLOLOLOL. :s


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