Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the first installment of "ANIME IS TEH SUCK."
If you don't like Anime, please leave.
Dattebayo released the "promo" for the US release of the first Bleach movie, 'Memories of Nobody'. Basically it features a giant Kon running wild on the streets of New York, nothing too important. However the promo brings a few things to light:
One: It fails to warn viewers that the movie is released in English dubbed form.
(( If you've never been interested in anime then skip the above point, seeing as you have no respectable input on the subject matter ))
Two: Kon did not stop by my house and nestle in my bosom.
(( Everyone should be somewhat concerned or aroused ))
Three: It ends on a real shitty blip of the upcoming third movie/production.
(( Spoiler: GOODBYE, RUKIA ))
I'd like to mention a few things about DB.
DB is easily one of the greatest fan subbing organizations out there and I'm not just saying this because they are located in downtown Sea-Town. They continually pump out the best quality in video and subtitling for Naruto :shudder: and Bleach episodes. While they do not have the largest selection in active projects or completed projects they do sustain every Nerd-ato kid and Bleach fanboi with their weekly doses of the show, literally they *are* the source for subbed episodes of these popular shows.
Speaking of their quality it also carries over into their other projects, specifically
Genshiken (season 2) and the recently added
Denno Coil series.
I highly suggest that any anime fan check out both of these shows. They are both complete and are completely wonderful!
Genshiken is an anime/manga that every (otaku) fan should relate to and get a good laugh from. Very character driven, great story, hilarious dialogue, etc. It's not for everyone, not everyone will get the jokes or really appreciate the characters but if you get it, you REALLY get it. It's worth watching three or four episodes. Start with the first season.
Dennou Coil (Denno Coil) is one fantastic piece of work. Last year I followed this show week by week but I stopped three episodes before the finale. I just could not have closure with this show; it was so fantastic that I did not want the story to end. Just recently I went back and watched the final six episodes, had to back track to refresh the story line, and it was jaw dropping. This series delivered time after time. Everything from characters, story line, artwork, and the cutest dog ever... it delivered. A must see, this show is appealing to everyone. Enjoy it now with DBs weekly releases or catch the entire completed series done by
Ureshii ** Tracker found
here //////////
Now in closing I'd like it to be clear that anime is cereal business.
If you're a "Bleach Fan" and at any point in reading this you came to any realizations, such as:
* There's a Bleach movie?!
* Bleach isn't drawn in America?!
* Wow, I did not even know Dattebyo existed!
* I love Nurato!
* Adult Swim isn't the only place I can find anime!
* There's more than 50 episodes of Bleach!
...I could go on but I think - HOPE - you get the point.
You're not a fan! You're a stupid idiot who watches Bleach reruns on Adult Swim or ripped/recoded DB subbed episodes on Youtube. Take the time to download a torrent and watch something without horrible dubbing. Listen to what the characters are supposed to sound like. Practice that age old art of 'reading' ... The quality of show increases. Few and far between are the shows that are hold quality when converting to English dubs. There are some, yes. That's a topic for another day.
Really if you like dubbed anime then you should dig out your eyes and sell them on e-bay, send me the cash, that way someone could get some use out of them and you can sit around and listen to your shitty dubbed anime.
OKAY FINE! You can like dubbed anime if you don't speak Japanese and can't read.... However, if you can't read, then you shouldn't have gotten this far into my rant! Now please, dig out those eyeballs, I have bills to pay.