May I emigrate?

Nov 08, 2024 18:48

Yes, it has started again. I knew it the moment hubby happily agreed to have the boys after a short period for recovery for me. This morning hubby and I did a trip to Aldi, and on the way back my sister called (she needed hubby and my car to pick up the new TV set) and shortly after DiL- she needed a place to store her boys, because she did not feel well- again. I hope it´s not another pregnancy, this would be the last straw for me to wander off this place. The boys were well-behaved as almost always. Flavius had a long nap, Cassian had none, he helped me with organising the drawers in the bedroom, unpacked the old nativity set (found out it´s two of them- the first one we had when sis and I were young children. We were not allowed to touch it- the deers are approximately two centimetres in height, the crib itself is tiny and broke the moment Cassian touched it. We had a lot of repair work to do, repairwork Cassian loves, because it involves the use of glue. The second nativity set we got from our relatives- it´s an orchestra of angels, with Santa playing the organ. Cassian loves it to bits already, I will have to find a place, where he can play with it rearrange the musicians. Afterwards the boy helped me with the jigsaw and was more than useful- sorted out two new motifs and did only miss two pieces. He´d surely be talented at jigsawing but never had one of his own, because DiL does not like them.
Mummy picked the boys up herself and did not come across sick. Seems that she has been on another crusade against unwanted kitchen utensils- she brought three glass bowls she does not want anymore, and more kitchen knives. And told us that we were to have the boys on Monday. And next Thursday, as far as I can remember. And on the 20th and 21st. Each time with an overnight stay, of course. Additional to the fact that daughter´s next early shifts- tree in a row- will be on the same days. And that number three and four will be here, too, because the 24th will be the day of husnband´s birthday. the 7oth this time. WE will have catering this time, because I refused to do all that cooking. but guess who won´t be there for husband´s birthday? It´s Dil number three. She will be in Venice. I don´t care anymore...
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