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Well, I got terminated Saturday. Ugh, and you know what, I can't do anything about it. And if someone says, "how come?" or, "You should sue" I can't.
First of all, at my (ex)work place, there were 6 other workers beside myself. My (ex)job was a sales advisor. Basically a fancy name for a sample person. Someone who gives out samples at stores. The store I worked at was a Meijer, (basically a Walmart for the Midwest), about 11 miles from where I live. And actually, I WALKED to work. Back and forth. Sometimes I'd have a ride back home, though that was on days where there was a weather conditions.
But what happened was near the end of the day, about half an hour before I was suppose to leave and sign out. So the supervisor comes up to me and says, that he "heard from someone" that I've been exaggerating with my time card and that was a terminal offense, so I'm terminated. Now WAIT A MINUTE, so I'm being terminated because someone said I didn't put the right hours on my time card. What the $#%@, where's the PROOF!!! I asked and got no answer, just that someone told them and that's it. Well guess what, I know who "claims" I did this, and NO, I DON'T LIE WHEN IT COMES TO WHEN I WORK!
Now, I will not give any names, but I will say in sorts who. Like I said earlier, at our store there were 7 workers total of our area. Myself and my boss, the lead sales advisor, were the only males and the youngest, him being 22. While the other 5 are woman in their late 60s through 80s. And 4 of those woman and my boss are all very accepting of me, to my knowledge. Not one of them have ever said anything bad about me, normally I'm the one who helps out most of them when there is something wrong, besides the boss. But the one woman, and the oldest, (I've checked, don't ask how I know), is the one who LOATHES me. And yes, she does. My coworkers have told me she has it in for me, and so has my boss. Heck, SHE EVEN TOLD ME HERSELF, that she doesn't like me. But that means nothing, heck she thinks the worst of all of us, she keeps talking about her faults, when she should mind her own business. But then the supervisor, (my boss' boss), and tells me I'm terminated. Well I guess she got her wish.
Ugh, well this will not put me down. I'm young, positive, hard working. So, I'll just apply for another job. It won't be easy, and with the way things are, I'm going to need a whole lotta luck. But I don't give up. This Woliger will show that he may lose the battle, but he has not lost the war.
And if anyone think's I should do anything about said woman, I won't do anything. Cause I know, one way or another, that karma will do that for me. If I were to do anything, than I'd get that dose of karma served right back at me. So I'll just keep positive, (even though I rarely [and I mean RARELY] smile), and just start looking for another job. I won't let her get to me.
As for the bonus note, I will not be able to go to AC this year. I want to, but I can't. But there's always next year. I do hope you all have a fun time for those of you who are going.
Take care,