
May 18, 2009 21:06

It's hard to explain right now how I feel. I honestly don't know. I've passed the hard exams, now I'm waiting to find out what I got. But even if I do alright, I don't know what to feel. It's time's like this I remember what Kody from :kyellgold's novel, "Waterways". I won't ruin it for anyone who hasn't read this astounding novel. But, basically near the end, he starts thinking about life after high school, and what he's thinking is similar to mine. I don't feel anything at the moment. People say I sound worried or angry or angst. But I don't, I feel NOTHING. Sorta odd huh... *sighs*

Life still the same. Father's still looking for a job. *shrugs*

Oh, speaking of my FATHER, he royally PO'd me the other day. I'm sure many of you have heard of "Facebook", well I just found out that he made an account... of ME!!!! I mean what the... I was outraged. And what was it for, it was JUST so he'd have someone to friend on HIS Facebook account. I am outraged from that one. I mean, he just did it for image. I'm sorry, but that's a new low for him. I don't like Facebook or Myspace. I mean to some, I guess they are okay, but I don't use them, because I don't like them. But for someone, and my own FATHER to make one behind my back. UGH.

Well, if all goes well, I'm graduating, (I can't believe I'm actually typing this), this Sunday. Hehe, well, I hope I'm able to.

I hope all of you have a nice week, take care everyone.


life, school, parents

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