Hey, everyone. If you thought my "Valintine's Day" weekend was bad, hehe, wait till you hear what happend to me last weekend.
Let's see where to start. Well on Saturday, I got a call around 8:00 in the morning. It was a very close friend of mine who lives in Washington (state). Now to me this was odd, not because I have a friend who calls me from Washington, we talk about 3 times a week. But to me, he's calling very EARLY. It would mean it's around 6:00 his time, which is VERY early for him. But to get back to the story, he's in the hospital, calling me saying he's got to have his appendix removed. Oh, and to top it all off, he's calling me with a whole bunch of Morphine in his system. So, after telling me, I was hoping that nothing bad would happen. But that night he did call me saying that the surgery went ok, and that now he had a hangnail. Dang, I thought I had a bad weekend. But now he is ok. And apparantly going to Idaho. *shrugs*
As for me, Saturday was ok, just really boring as to what I had to do for work. Now Sunday was painful. My boss decided to pull a "pratical joke" on me. Yeah... not very funny. Before work started, he got me a coffee, which I though was ok, until I found out about 2 hours later how wrong I was. No less than 1 hour later, I had a VERY upset stomach. So, I'll skip the dirty stuff and go straight to the part where when I looked myself in the mirror, I was shocked. I was yellow. YELLOW!!! Not like the color mind you, but still my skin had a tinge to it. When I walked out, and got back to my post. He started laughing at me, (my boss). He told me that the coffee I had had Dietary Fiber in it. To my knowledge and his, he overdosed me basically. Then he started laughing at me for looking like I was asian. Which actually I didn't mind. I found that sorta cool. A lot of people who walked by thought so too. So that was the only fun part to that day. Now I'm ok, and back to my regular abount of fiber in my system self. Hehe, yeah. Interesting weekend indeed. XD
Oh, and this SATURDAY, I'm going to have a question for all of you. I need some help with something, so I'm going to ask you guys. I hope you guys can help me.
I hope all of you have a great week. Take care,