MFF 2010 Recap

Nov 22, 2010 19:08

Hey everyone,

Last weekend was of the best weekend's I've ever had. For me, this was the first time getting to go to all 3 days of MFF.


So leaving at 1:00pm, me and xids ended up getting there around 2. As we got there, we were most fortunate that as we pulled into parking, someone was leaving. So of course, we rushed over and got that spot.
So 10 minutes later, we're both registered. After exploring artist's alley, that's when some of Xids' buds appeared, Savver and orion-j, both very nice to meet. After a lil exploring here and there, it was rougly 3, which I had planned on meeting up with a certain...Fox. Well, after a lil waiting, I was able to meet him. I must say, it was very fun hanging out with him. I had a very fun time hanging out with this fox. We went to the art show and saw some interesting pieces as well as got to meet twilight316 and pegasus316 who were very sweet if not funny to talk to as well. Met a few more furs and even got to talk to maximus-ursus and schreddedwolf. I learned a few new tips for musclegaining from talking to them, as well as had a few good laughs. Friday was sure as heck one helluva great day.
To wrap it all up, after meeting so many wonderful buds, I went and saw the Uncle kage show and 2 the griffin.


Leaving roughly around 9:30, got to con around 10:30, me and xids were again, VERY LUCKY with parking, we got through the gate and someone just baked up and left. ^^
Saturday mostly dealt with going to see the Fursuit parade, I then got to see inuakiko in her lovely suit as well as sarieu. Later I went to see the dineegla and musclewolf Furocity Gym panel. Quite interesting IMO. Plus, got to meet weaselzero there. ^^ Then later on that evening, I finally got to see the elusive geminifoxx, as well as get to talk to captainfurry.


Left at 9:30 again, and again, VERY LUCKY with parking. Oi, that won't happen next year. I just know it won't happen. XD X.x
So today summed up with meeting with Savver till he had to go at 12 noon. Then getting a furry t-shirt. As well as going to see the Furry games. Me and Xids got very nice seats and it was quite humerous to see all of them playing. ^^
Afterwords, went down to dealer's den and got a commission from cooner as well as meet a few other furs, including: terminotaur, bigwolfpaws, and blueeyedwolf. Then went to the closing ceremony and that was it.

Wow, what a weekend. I have to say, this is one weekend I will not ever forget. I'm so glad to have met so many furs. <=D I hope all of ya who went had a very fun time there and a safe trip home.

I also hope that all of ya out there who read this also has a great Thanksgiving too if ya celibrate it. Do take care,


midwest furfest, convention, mff, recap

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