GRR, This Server, and Size 18, Yes They Are

Sep 20, 2010 09:30

Hey everyone,

ATM, I can't stand my server. Bah, it's been drving me up the wall. On and off, for the past week. Why? They claim they've been running "tests" and trying to "Upgrade". I don't give a care. It's makeing me lose some of what sanity I have left. *breaths heavily and trys to control self by not foaming at the mouth*

So if you wonder why I'm on and then disappear, it's cause of this darn net.

In other news, I actually had a very nice weekend. Got to hang out with to fur buds on Saturday which really helped my mood. Only thing ironic is they went to somewhat the same places. XD

First, with the one, we went to a outlet mall. I don't really buy or purchase stuff. As I'm normally broke most of the time, so I just look. But while there we went by a "The Chocolate Warhouse", Emm...that smelled good. Then next an electronics area. Checked out some widescreen hd tv's and some head sets. It was cool, but made my wallat wimper. X.x Still, while there, I was just glad to have at least 1 tv in my home. Just one big, bulky regular def TV. It's not fancy but it gets the job done in giving me my news.
Then we went to a shoe store. He needed some new sneakers so I got to look and see what's new. I admit it's fun to poke fun at some of them. but it was a lil hard to find some his size. He's a size 13, so at least one store had a large # of his size. Sadly, they were out of his price range so we just admit maybe later.
This was finished up by going to a hat store. He was going to a bud's B-Day party and needed to bring a gift. So we both looked for a hat for this bud. He decided he wanted to get him a customized hat and what he told me was his bud was a beer pong player. So for about 10 minutes he just told me he was thinking of what to put on the hat. While I just looked at what you could make a custom hat with. After 10 minutes though, I just blurted out something, (why, cause I was just being random), and he LIKED IT. Hurhurhur, I admit. Being random is something I can at times do a lot of. But it's nice when it pays off. And it was apparantly so funny, the guy behind the machine chuckled. So he got his gift and then he went off, and I went to hang out with anouther bud of mine I've not seen in a month.

So we met at another outlet mall. This one more indoors, much to my liking as it started to rain last saturday. While there, we ventured to an electronic store more focused on video games. I admit, I know I'm behind, but I got to see some games I'd like to purchase in the far future. After which we went past a mini donut store which I just burst up laughing at. It took roughly 5 minutes to get me to stop. XD Ahh...It fealt good to laugh.
Then we ventured into, what do ya know, a shoe store. He said he needed new sneakers and I was basically whatev. So while looking, I asked what size was he, he showed me he was a size 18. SIZE EIGHTEEN! So while we looked I just had to ask him some questions. And as we're both furries. This conversation did get a lil funny to say the least. He admited he doesn't care whatever about "paws or feet". Though he admited he didn't think his feet were that big. Which I replied with a loud roar. So now he knows he's got big feet. So now the whole time I'm there, I'm almost bursting my ribs trying to hold in laughter. So we both chuckled at this and that and he got his new sneakers, (at a much better price than the other location where me and my other furry bud where at).

But that was basically my last Saturday. Nothing else new is going on TMK. I had some fun, got in a lot of laughter which I've not done in a very long time.

I do hope all of ya are doing ok. Do take care, ya hear.

Noa E

shoping, feet, mall, laughter, life, friends, bud, furry, friend

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