It sucks being broke...or very close to it.

Jan 25, 2010 09:23

Hey everyone,

Why? Cause if my dad and I don't find a job soon, I may as well drop out of college. It's gotten that bad. So far, I've been told that we have enough money to stay where we are to the end of February. *sighs and shrugs* Nothing I can do but keep looking for a job, (which I've sent out at least 36 applications already). So...what does this mean? Well, I won't be having much to any free time, (*blinks* I had free time), and I'll have to find a way to figure out wheather to drop out between now and Friday. If I don't then, I hope to be here to the end of the semester. But I'm not holding my breath.

As for anything else new? Well, semester 2 is going alright. Calc isn't too hard and Bio has it's fun points. Though it's been mostly a bore. If anything, everything we've covered was said at least once in Chemistry. XD

I hope all of you guys who went to FC had an amazing time, I truly do. Can't wait to here the FC journals as well.

Take care,


life, classes, parents

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