Drama drama drama! I'm so sick of it. Everytime I think things are starting to level out, people want to cause more drama. I know I haven't updated in a while, but alot has been happening lately, and I've been very distracted and, honestly, a bit down. Karma is a bitch, I guess. I'm willing to accept the consequences for my actions, I'm just not willing to put up with the extra bullshit anymore. Let me explain...
As you all know by now, Mike and I are getting divorced. We are going to remain friends. Now I know some of you are saying "Yeah right, you broke his heart and you think he'll still want to talk to you?" Yes. I do. Because I have expressed my interest in remaining friends with him, and he has expressed similar interest in return. If he's lying, that's fine. But I'm willing to make the effort. I am still friends with all of my ex's. Steve and I still talk on the phone from time to time, even now. Will is planning on throwing me some kind of bonfire/keg/birthday party when I'm in town next (thanks, Will!!). Fernando was actually one of the first people to call and check on me when he found out about the divorce. I have no problem staying friends, never have. Moving on...
I have a boyfriend. Pick your jaw off the floor, it's not that serious. Most of you have heard me mention Chris. I am living with Chris, and I have been since...January? February? Something like that. It's been a few months now at least. We just (this past weekend) moved into a bigger place of our own. It's a 2-bedroom apartment, but we don't have two bedrooms. We have a bedroom and an office. Yes, that means I'm sharing a bed with Chris. No, that does not mean we're fucking. Plain and simple, it IS possible for a girl to sleep next to a guy and NOT do the horizontal mamba. Hmm...who can vouch for that?...Let's see: Mike, Fernando, Jamey, Anthony, Tony Deaver, Steve...probably a few others, I can't remember now. I'm comfortable with guys, I have more guy friends than girl friends. Point is, I'm not a slut. I've been with 3 people and I was dating all of them when it happened. And I have NEVER slept with someone while dating someone else. Which is a far better track record than some of you who have chosen to judge me. Which I find hilarious.
Mike posted his feelings on his MySpace blog and Livejournal. He's angry, he's hurt, he's confused. I know this, and it makes perfect sense that he would feel that way. I'm not stupid enough to think that he wouldn't get upset about all of this and want to vent. I'm glad he did because honestly I was concerned about him putting on his "I'm ok" face when he obviously wasn't. But everyone deals with situations differently, so I let it be. I'm not mad about the post, I'm more concerned about a couple of the comments. Joe (one of my few friends here) decided to tear me a new asshole and accuse me of things he knows nothing about. He also stooped low enough to call Chris names, which is VERY mature for a 28-year-old. I have severed all ties with Joe and Tara (his roommate, who claims to be my friend too but has proven one too many times in the past to be completely two-faced, as is Joe) and I'm fine with that. Joe sent me a nasty text referring to my "pity party" and Tara called me more times than I can count to find out why I chose to cut them out of my life. For those of you who know me, you know that I don't let shit like that go. If you piss me off, I'm going to let you know it and most times, it will be brutal. My temper gets the best of me, and I have to put my 2 cents in. Not this time. It was VERY difficult to not explode on them and go on my "you don't even fucking know me" rant. I've ignored all texts, calls, comments, and voicemails. I'm proud of myself, for once. I don't usually react this way, I'm glad I'm sticking to my guns.
There was also a comment from someone in my wedding party who chose to give their opinion on the matter. They seem to think that I am "flighty" and I "do this all the time" and "leave when things get comfortable." Nope, sorry. I leave when things get UNcomfortable. When Steve and I broke up it was because I wasn't in love with him, and I had realized that. I didn't want to lead him on and think that we would be together forever when I had no intentions of doing so. I was 15! How the fuck did anyone expect me to know what I wanted in life at fucking 15?! Anyway, Will was next and you ALL know that that was a sinking ship. Sure, I could have gone about it in a better way, but the point is, he wanted it to end, and I ended it. We're still friends, like I said. Fernando broke up with me because of the distance thing, which is fine. I knew that would happen eventually, and again, I was very young. Which brings me to Mike. I don't feel the need to explain myself to everyone on the internet, especially since some people seem to think they have the whole story and that it's ok to judge me based on their severe lack of knowledge in this department. Judge away, because I honestly don't give a damn anymore. The people that have bothered to call and ask how I'm doing are the ones who know. If you didn't care enough to call, then I don't care enough to tell you. Shit even ADAM has called me multiple times and some of the people I thought I could trust and confide in the most have yet to pick up the fucking phone.
Enough about all of that. This isn't a pity party, this isn't a cry for attention, this isn't an attack. This is me venting. If you want to take it personally, that's your business. I know that you'll use my words however you want to, and I can't stop you from doing that. But please...if you DO decide to take things I say out of context and don a diamond studded tiara fit only for a drama queen, leave me out of the bullshit.