BEWARE: very RANDOM survey Created by
dragondancer37 and taken 6 times on
bzoink!BasicsWhat is your name?hannahHow old are you?im thirteenWhat is your Zodiac sign?saggitariousJust.....questionsAre you wearing socks?noHow many fingers are you using to type, RIGHT NOW?fourDo you like Cool Whip?yeahAre you on the computer?yeah derrDo you like pointy things?sometimesDo you think you are special?noDid you finish your homework?noIs your hair up or down?down as alwaysDo you like Nirvnana?no. overrated.Are you a pyromaniac?no.Do you have a parakeet?noDo you like to eat fish?EWHave you ever tried calamari(squid)?EWEWEWWhat is your bedtime?schoolnights: im up till 11 other nights:no bedtime, i go to sleep between 1 and 4Do you like Math class?noDo you like to use the phone?depends who its withAre you eating anything, right now? If so, what?n/aIf so, what?n/aDo you like what you are eating?n/aDo most people like what you are eating?n/aOn a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you like what you are eating?n/aIf you aren't eating anything, is this annoying you?no.If so, why is it annoying you?n/aCan I tell you a secret?sureWhat are you thinking, right now?yesterday hahahaCan you guess what I'm thinking?youre thinkingabout how hot you think your mom isDo you like spaghetti?noIf so, with or without meatballs?n/aAre you bored?yeahDo you understand the game of football?no. dont care.If so, why is it that you only get points when you score a touchdown?idkI don't get it. Do you?no. I'm eating pizza. Do you like pizza?sureDo you like the TV show, CSI?haha never seen itIf not, why?never seen it.Am I special?i love you.If not, why?YOURE ALWAYS SPECIAL IN MY BOOK <3Do you even know me?yeah we're in love.If not, then how would you know?n/aIs it because of this survey?n/aWhat is your favorite band?not telling. JEEZWhat is your favorite song played by that band?polaroidsDo you have to go to the bathroom?noIf so, why?noIf you do have to go to the bathroom, why don't you just go?noHave you ever had a cavity in your teeth?noDo you brush your teeth twice a day?yeahDo you floss?sometimesHave you ever broken a bone?yeah my armIf so, how did you break it?HAHAH Tripping on a seatbelt and falling out of the car on to the ice lmaoDid it hurt?yeah. Did everyone do stuff for you?no haha only my momDo you think dragons are real?no but theyre dead sexy anywayDo you like dragons?yeahIf not, why?n/aDo you like to Instant Message?yeahHave you ever heard of Neopets?yeah i used to love itIf you have, have you tried it?yesIf you've tried it, did you like it?yes'mAre you listening to any music, right now?yeahIf so, what?kane hodder - heaven help me! i love a psychotic!Do you like that song?i love it. its about how bad abortion is. im anti abortion.Do you have an MP3 player?noHow about a CD player?yeahA cassette player?yeahDo you like cassette players?yeahAre cassette players 'The Bomb'?HELL YEAHWhy are they 'The Bomb'?because they dont skipAre you Irish?yes 25% and i have relatives thereDo you wear green on St. Patrick's Day?sometimesHave you ever gotten pinched for not wearing green?noDo you like the color green?noDo you like to dance?noWhat do you like to dance to?nothingHave you ever been in Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts?no hahaDid/do you like it?n/aDo you like cauliflower?noDo you know why it is called cauliflower?no i dont Do you like stuffed animals?yeah, a lotCan you read?nope.If not, how can you do this survey?i had someone else read it. im dyslexic.Do you think that was a stupid question?noIs this survey TOO random?no, not really. i love youIf so, why?n/aDo you like mashed potatoes?noDo you like regular potatoes?noDo you prefer one over the other?mashed.Do you go to Starbucks often?ewWhat is your favorite drink/treat there?i dont go thereIs anything/anyone bothering you, right now?yeahWhat/who?my dad cause he just yelled at me.This or that?Paper or plastic?eitherProject or test?testGiraffe or elephant?elephantHug or kiss?both.Special or not special?specialCool or Whip?whipThis survey or smelling dog poop?this surveyCorn or Korn?corn.Smart or popular?niether.Evil and fun or Good and boring?evilSomething stupid and funny or something smart and boring?stupid funnyAnnoy your parents or annoy your enemy?parentsYahoo or AIM?aimCatfish or goldfish?catfishCell phone or laptop?laptopRock or pop?nietherItaly or France?franceMilk or shake?milkGasoline or blow torch?blow torchSmile or laugh?laughEat or drink?drinkSushi or squid?nietherTaste or smell?smellSquishy or pointy?pointyFlammable or pointy?flammableDangerous or boring?dangerousA or B?aHiking or swimming?swimmingSuperpowers: Flying or invisibility?flyingShake or spear?shake?Cartoons or real life?cartoonsDraw or write?write. i cant drawJump or run?jog hahaDonut or taco?donut?Potatoes or potatos?...Yo! or Oy! ?Oi. OI OI OI!Dogs or hot dogs?dogs that are really really hot and sexyReality or Dream world?dream worldFriends and FamilyHow many siblings do you have?1How many cousins do you have?a lot. but for first cousins i have 10How many aunts do you have?3How many uncles do you have?5Who do you live with?mom dadWho is your craziest friend?corey.Weirdest?coreyMost positive?blahf.Smells best?blahf.Most negative?um...Smells worst?none of themLaughs the most?im not sureHas the biggest smile?Matt?Known the longest?kassandraNewest?nicoleOldest?seanYoungest?morganDitziest?blahf.Girliest?BLAHF.Strongest personality?MartineCurrentMusic playing:kane hodderLast person hugged:Matt or JeffLast person kissed:JeffLast person talked to:online-Ann phone-Blahf person-Dad yelling at meClothes:pajamasColor of your underwear:pinkHave you farted in the past ten minutes?no hahahaWhere are you?homeWhat are you doing?youWhat do you smell like at this moment?whatever shampoo i usedAre you happy?yeahAre you sad?noAre you angry?noWhat's up?nothing right nowNothin'?hahaAre you chatting with someone?yeahAre they happy?yeahAre they sad?noAre they angry?noDo you like them?yeah sureIf it's the opposite sex, do you have a crush on them?noDo they have a crush on you?noAre you sure?yeahIs your refrigerator running?noIf so, go catch thanksIf not, you better turn it on.YOU turn it on :-*What would you do if I all of a sudden yelled, then you would yellWould you run?noWould you scream?noWould you cry?i would make out with youWould you say, "YAY! Fire!," and go play with it?noWhat time is it?1:19Is time passing by fast or slow?fastAbout the SurveyDo you like this survey?yeahAm I annoying?no youre hella coolWould you take another one of my surveys?yeahWould you advise me to never make a survey again?no i love it! Do you think I should go to a mental hospital for something like this?noAm I funny?yeahAm I weird(in a good or bad way)?goodHow long did it take you to do this survey?i dont know i didnt time itPretty long?noDid I waste your time?noIf so, are you mad at me?noAre you having a good day?yeahIf not, have a good day tommorrow.okBuh bye!bye! ILY
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