Oct 11, 2009 17:35
Sometimes we know that we are not doing all that we could be doing. To help a friend. To be happy. To help a stranger. To do well in school. To make money. To get into grad school.
How can we go through life knowing that we didn't try our HARDEST. To heal someone's broken heart. Or to heal your own broken heart. Or to make sure we laugh at least once every day. To make sure we're exercising to reduce health risks. Or make sure a loved one is exercising to reduce THEIR health risks.
How can we sit in front of a T.V rotting our brains out when that are people so lost in this world they don't know which way is up.
We call ourselves followers of Jesus. Well here is s reality check: Jesus wouldn't stop until the broken hearts were mended. Stomachs were fed. Or the sick were healed. Jesus wouldn't stop until he made it clear to every man woman and child out there that when they feel alone. Unloved. afraid. God will ALWAYS be there next to them. To carry them through it.
How can we stand our existence? Why isn't it changing. People are NOT trying their best. They are giving up on society. They are throwing in the towel. "Homeless people are worthless" "Fat people are just lazy" "If you're depressed, theres nothing you can do about" Jesus would never give up.
We need to stop making excuses and start living like every single day is a new chance to change someone's life!