" Update Journal
Logging in to server... Also, the server has a message for you:
Your password must contain at least one number or symbol. Your password is too easy to guess. It's recommended that you change it, otherwise you risk having your journal hijacked. Visit
http://www.livejournal.com/changepassword.bml to change your password."
yea guys. apparently someone's going to try and hijack my journal..... OH NO!!!! not than anyone should really care, considering its an intrnet journal, where most people usually don't put things too private up.. hell idk... but seriously, i'll get to my point now... i mean. my password is supposed to be private. so who the hell is there to decide that its not good enough lol? i decided its good enough. thats why its my password. but back to my point. its a passwors. completely about privacy, no one should be able to look at my password and decide weather or not its worthy of my johnsonhood! even if its the computer programed to do that. it can be overrided and all that jazz! its GAY I TELL YOU! GAY! COMPLETELY HOMOSEXUAL!!!!! speaking of gay privacy violation, i heard that bush is allowing the government to spy on americans.. thats just fuckin rediculous... yea.. peace out..