14 DECEMBER 2006 0:33

Dec 17, 2006 21:17

So the captain sat lonely upon his workers chair. He was thinking.. Thinking about the possibilities of life. He wondered why it was that he felt so crummy this day. Was it his worthy companions who tried to help him with the connecting of his future scope but couldn't finish the job because the wire connecting box was broken?? Was it because he once again realized that he and his men and all the creatures in the ocean and on the planet are actually going, as it sometimes seems, in some sort of gigantic lifelong loophole which always seems so heavy when you start back down, or was it the continuous on and off spiritual clashing with the operating Big Boat and his disagreements with their way of working and their norms?? Were it all those reasons or was it something bigger than that?? Or was it, perhaps, a blended mix of both??
The captain wondered and before he knew he came to certain conclusions which he had discovered plenty of times before, just in different shapes for different situations, but eventually and unawarely not for different reasons. What if he was just too impatient with the whole happening of the future scope and the expanded route of the process to get it to work with means he and his men did not have any extra of?? What if he nerved too much and it impacted his mood for the coming hour after that conclusion which made him trip in search of short term solutions??
What if the loophole theory banged on top of that, especially after the captain's recent tries on helping along on the operating Big Boat as they fired him twice in the same week of several functions. What if it made him go unawarely more nerved, even more after getting the message delivered in letters on a figurative silver plate with a raw edge around it stating the narly situation (and reality of it) AGAIN?? Forcing himself to re-enter and re-try to survive and get the oxygen he and his men need to live in their separate watership chamber they had, abandoned from the Big Boat.
Yeah.. what if the loophole theory banged on top of that earlier level of upcoming nerves and thoughts which resulted in a crummy mood??
And what if all these reasons and explanations were complete and utter bullshit?? What if they were just completely unnecessary?? Irrelevant?? Then what??

Well, then.. then the captain had a short second of motion in his raising right eyebrow. Did it all really, truly matter that much??
What if he made all these excuses up in his head to make himself feel crummy and look away for the day?? To make himself feel like he needed this evening off, abandoned from his men and tucked away into his private booth, (which he had recently set up) and that he let himself get carried away by his negative thoughts and perceptions upon the daily situations?? What if the loophole was bendable in a certain way which he didn't get a hold of for longer than a week??
Perhaps this whole mood of the day didn't need to happen! But perhaps it did had to, to experience and examine that frame of mind again and from up closer, to recognize it and control it better the next time around?? Hmmm......

Once again it was clear that by any circumstance, any happening or any particular situation in life there are at least two to three different sides to it. Multiple sides, multiple views, multiple reasons, opinions and possible ways of experiencing a certain moment or situation. As he learned from the great big Era Fish, everything is always the same, it's just the way you perceive and look at it. And that goes for anything in life. This thought gave the captain a point of calmness and a pillow of winds of optimism through his head.
The captain stood up from his workers chair and gave a short scream of bravery. It's time to battle on!! What am I waiting for?! When will I stop tricking myself around and into this mindset?!
And with those thoughts the Captain re-qoncuered the steering wheel of his mind.
And he drove out of his private booth, with pink and yellow brushstrokes of light and sparkles shining through the passage, into another battle for the chances and possibilities of life that have always been there right in front of his face.

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