Room 014 [video]

Oct 23, 2011 11:12

[This is not the first time Henry has broadcast from the branches of a tree. This is, however, the first time he seems genuinely happy to be in one. There's something different about the normally reclusive photographer. He's got a head full of brilliant orange hair courtesy of the Halloween section in one of the little marts in town. The spray has made it stiff so it's sticking out in every direction. It matches the foliage behind him quite nicely.]

[He hasn't told anybody about this, having snuck out early in the morning to begin what will probably end up getting both his and Heather's asses kicked by a particular grumpy space robot.]

[If he can catch them.]

[He's got the 'gear angled up at his face and high above him, Burger the glameow is lazing on one of the thinner branches. Several bright green threads are draped around him and he seems pretty happy as well.]

Watanuki, I got some yarn-- it's going to have to be all one color though. Burger destroyed the second color I got. Is one, uh, bundle of it enough? I need your address.

[He pauses and looks thoughtful. A leaf drifts down and sticks to his hair.]

I sure am glad I blend in now so no giant birds can carry me off.

[ :I Oh, he knows what's coming. But he says that as straight-faced as ever. No, Ironhide, he is not dropping this.]

henry the deciduous, video, messin with robots

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