[It's evening and the world is sun is sinking. Somewhere along Route 30, there is a rattled looking youth crouching in a ditch. He's got a frybasket in one hand and a poke'gear in the other. What's got him so interested is the culvert passing under the path. It's big, rusty, and full of standing water. And round. It looks like a hole. Henry is a man who knows all about holes.]
Oh, man...
[BEHOLD, JOHTO...a ditch. There's a Rattata snuffling around the far end of it with a candy bar wrapper in its teeth. The fry basket comes into view to point out the culvert. As if you didn't know what you were looking at.]
I found a hole. I'm going to tape this in case I disappear.
[He sounds more motivated about this than anything else he's spoken about so far besides beating colorful magic animals senseless with blunt objects. He puts the 'gear in his shirt pocket and starts crawling through the muck LIKE A BOSS. We see Henry's hands and occasionally his knees as he makes his way over broken sticks and trash.]
[Suddenly, an eerie sound enters the culvert.]
HOOT-HOO-HOOOOT [BLAIRE WITCH SHAKEY TIME AWH YEAH. Henry hauls ass out of the culvert, faceplants, and manages to turn around to give his little camera a grainy, split-second look at this--
((Photo borrowed from
http://www.modularconstructioninc.com/ and edited for RP purposes by me.))
-- before the feed abruptly ends.]