this is for meghan

Feb 22, 2005 22:04

so's been...forever but here goes. Lots of shit has changed. Mylene moved back to Quebec in July and sucked pretty bad! Nothing much besides taht has changed really. I start school at the University of Windsor in the fall. Computer Science with Networking and Securties! so there's step one to a better life...hahahah. I also have met someone. It's nothing major right now..nothing serious...we're just hanging out and seeing where things go. Both of us want to take things slowly and that's probably a good thing. Her name is Charisma and she rocks. We talked at the Loop and ended up staying up talking till 4pm the next day...sleeping for about 2 was actually really nice. Nothing more than kissing and even then nothing too involved....that was saturday night and we've been talking every night since (i know that's only like 3 days..but still). It's kinda funny actually...i was gonna ask her if she wanted to do something on friday night but she beat me to the punch today and asked me if i wanted to go to Yuk Yuks with her that i guess it's a date...or just hanging out..or whatever it is..i'm looking forward to it. Who knows where this will might lead to a relationship or maybe just friends. I wouldn't mind either really. Sure i would be alot happier having a relationship..she's a really nice girl..and we get along well, but i think both of us truly do want to take things slow..and like i said before i think we both need to.. so if that's where it leads then that's where it leads. I'm not going to let myself get to into it just to get hurt...but i'm also not going to just push it away...anyway..yeah...heh... that's alot about a girl right there..but there's really not much else to say...besides taht i've boughten WAY too many comics since i last updated and this obsession is becomming a real strain on my wallet...we'll have to do something about this...
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