Fic: Almost

Jan 01, 2012 10:50

Title: Almost
Author: Mary (stillxmyxheart)
Beta: Lindsay (rowofstars)
Rating: G
Genre: Friendship, Angst
Word Count: 1,253
Characters/Pairings: Sam, April, Nathan (Sam/April, mentions of Simon/April)

A/N: Happy New Year! XD This is an idea I've had forever, and for some reason, listening to Mumford and Sons (as I was when I wrote this) makes me think of apoca!fic. Thusly, this was finally born. This itself was inspired by the song "Somewhere Only We Know", so like... weird stuff happens in my head when I listen to music. Anywho. Enjoy, bbs ♥

He finds her in the Rose Garden, sitting on one of the stone benches. Her hands rest on either side of her, fingers curled over the rounded edge of the bench, and her eyes are on the ground.

As he watches, she stretches one foot forward and sweeps the toe of her shoe over the gravel path, scattering some of the stones.

She looks up when he laughs softly, her expression slightly startled, and then smiles when she sees it's him.

"Hey, Sam."

He steps towards her, waving his hand slightly, and she shifts over to let him sit beside her.

"What're you doing out here?" he asks once he's settled, glancing over at her and frowning a little that she's only wearing a sweater against the cold February air.

She sighs, her breath briefly visible. "Nathan's in one of his moods again, and I am definitely not in the mood to deal with him right now."

His lips twitch. "So you're hiding?"

She nods, raising her gaze to his face as the corner of her mouth curls. "So I'm hiding."

He laughs and nods as well. "Sometimes that's best."

"I just hope he's in a better mood tonight; Simon and I are supposed to go over to the house for dinner."

"I'm sure he will be. He loves when you guys come over."

He glances at her, smiling a little when he sees the slight curve of her lips.

She shifts slightly, her fingers brushing against the side of his leg, and then looks up at him again, her smile widening.

"Your birthday's in a few days. Are you excited?"

A short laugh escapes him, and he gives a small shake of his head. "I haven't been excited for a birthday in a very, very long time." He lifts an eyebrow at her. "62 isn't something to get too excited about."

She raises an eyebrow back at him. "It's nothing to sneeze at, either, especially in this day and age."

He laughs again. "I suppose." He grins. "I'll remember that in a couple months when you're bemoaning turning 32."

She giggles and elbows him. "I have never 'bemoaned' my age. I think you're mistaking me for Nathan."

He snorts. "The resemblance is uncanny."

She giggles again, her nose crinkling a little as she shakes her head. "I mean when he turned 50, you remember?"

He grins and nods. "Sulked for days. Though if I recall, he rather enjoyed his party."

"Well, he always loves a party."

"This is very true, though his methods of celebrating have changed for the better. At least now he can remember having a good time."

He smiles drily, and she snorts softly.

They're quiet for a moment, and then she shifts closer, her arm brushing his.

He glances over at her, noticing the way her arms are held in tight to her body, and frowns slightly. "April, you should go inside, that sweater isn't nearly warm enough for you to be sitting out here."

She shakes her head. "Don't want to yet."

He sighs, torn between frustration and amusement at her stubbornness, and then something flips in his stomach when she presses against his side.

He thinks back to Christmas, when she fell asleep on him, and he put his arm around her. She didn't seem to mind it then, and he hesitates for just a moment before lifting his arm around her shoulders.

She hums, a soft, contented sound, as she scoots closer to him, tucking herself against him, and he tightens his grip on her, his confidence bolstered by her obvious pleasure.

A heartbeat later, her head falls onto his shoulder, and his stomach flips again as he feels heat spreading throughout him. It feels like a full body blush, and he wonders if he really is red from head to toe.

He swallows and lets his hand move along her upper arm, feeling how cold her skin is through the thin material of her sweater, and trying to warm her up.

There's a wild, foolish desire starting to blossom within him, which is not something that happens very often, but he suddenly wants to tell her everything. He wants her to know how he feels about her, to know that he hasn't felt this way about anybody since Audrey, wants her to know how truly special she is to him.

The consequences of this are staggering, but somehow, in this moment, with her body small and light against his side, seeming to fit perfectly under his arm, he can't seem to think of any of them.

Her fingers brush his side suddenly as she wraps her arm around her torso, and inexplicably, he thinks of Simon. He imagines he must hold her like this too, tight against his side, fingers lazily stroking her arm.

He knows how much they love each other, and how happy they are together, and he suddenly hates himself for even entertaining the notion of somehow coming between them.

His mouth closes, the breath he'd drawn to speak his thoughts out loud dissipating before him, and he glances down at her just as the door opens.

They both look up to see Nathan step outside, and April straightens, causing Sam's hand to slip from her arm. It rests on her back momentarily before he pulls his arm away, absently rubbing the tips of his fingers as he glances at April.

Her expression is a little wary, and a little annoyed, and Sam glances at Nathan.

The other man rolls his eyes. "I didn't find you to fight, I came to apologize. Now would you get back in here before you freeze?"

"God, you're bossy," April says as she stands.

Nathan gives her a look as she approaches him. "Well, I am your boss."

A beat later he grins and pulls her to him, pressing a kiss to the side of her head as he hugs her tight. She giggles and squeezes him back, muttering, "Not right now you're not," her voice slightly muffled by his suit jacket.

They separate after a moment, and Nathan looks over at Sam.

"You too, Sam, come on."

Sam arches an eyebrow. "I wasn't aware you were my boss."

"I'm always your boss."

Sam pushes to his feet, his eyebrow still lifted. "I believe I outrank you in every way possible."

Nathan sighs, and then looks at April. "Make him come in."

She smiles and holds out her hand. "Come on, Sam. You can be the buffer between me and him."

He stares at her outstretched hand, so close to taking it, and then Nathan digs his fingers into her side, making her squeal. Sam's fingers curl against his palm as April shies away from Nathan, and then smacks him, their laughter echoing along the semi-closed corridor.

Sam shakes his head, shoving his feelings to the back of his mind where they belong. "Am I really going to have to separate you two?"

"She started it," Nathan protests as the three of them move towards the door.

April makes an indignant noise. "I did not!"

Sam rolls his eyes as he follows them, though he can't stop the smile that curves his lips.

The whiteness encroaches on the scene in front of him, the rich sound of the laughter of the woman he loves and his best friend the very last thing to fade away, and Sam sighs into the silence.

Sometimes he wishes he had told her then.

Most times, he's glad he didn't.

character: sam shipton, *rating: g, #backstory, character: nathan gates, !fic, pairing: april/sam, !!author: mary, character: april newcastle

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