Fic: Evan/Penny

Jun 01, 2011 00:40

So I've got a little writing meme going on over at my journal, and of course there are plenty of a!f prompts to be had.

This first one is from rowofstars, and is gloriously unbeta'd and probably sucks, and the prompt itself is a bit spoilery if you've not yet finished the main arc, so it's all behind the cut.

(Posting it here because it's a 900+ word ficlet. You know how we get.)

Prompt: Evan/Penny, baby names

Evan finds Penny in the kitchen when he gets home, just closing the door to the oven. She leans forward to set the timer, and he slips his arms around her when she straightens, lacing his fingers together on her stomach.

He can feel a tiny flutter of movement beneath his hands and he smiles as he presses a kiss to her temple.

She turns her head to smile at him when he pulls away and he touches another kiss to her lips.

He takes her hand and leads her into the living room where they settle on the couch. He makes a beckoning gesture with one hand and she grins a little as she shifts her position on the couch, lifting her feet into his lap.

He begins to rub her feet, smiling at the contented hum that slips past her lips.

"How did it go at the doctor's?" he asks, glancing over at her. "I'm sorry I couldn't go today, I couldn't get out of that stupid meeting."

She smiles and shakes her head. "It's okay. April went with me, and I saw Alex, so I got to see Simon too." She pauses a moment, her eyebrows rising a little. "Everything seems fine still. Alex took more blood, but every other test has come back fine, so she's not worried."

"Are you?" he asks, staring intently at her face. Something seems a little off in her mood, but he can't figure out what it could be.

"I think I'll be worried until I actually give birth," she murmurs, her lips curving a little, and he laughs slightly.

They're quiet for a moment and then she takes a breath. "Evan."

"Yeah?" he says, looking up at her again.

Her eyes are on the movements of his hands and fingers, watching as he gently kneads the tired muscles of her feet, and then she raises her gaze to his face.

"It's a boy," she whispers, her mouth twitching as she bites down on her lower lip.

He stares at her a moment, his hands slowly ceasing their movements.

"I thought - I thought you didn't want to know," he says finally, his eyebrows knitting together.

"I did too," she replies, removing her feet from his lap and shifting closer to him, "but she was doing the ultrasound and I just - I changed my mind, and I asked her, and she showed me." Her eyes shine brightly and she smiles tentatively. "It's a boy."

"A boy," he echoes softly, and a slow grin begins to spread across his face.

"It still feels a little weird to be excited," she murmurs.

He moves closer to her, slipping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her to him.

"We're in the homestretch, Pen," he says quietly. "You've got a month left before it - before he's due, and you know what I think? I think he's going to be perfect."

"You do?" she asks, shifting her head to look at him.

"Yes," he says firmly, staring down at her and sweeping his knuckle over her cheek. "I do."

She smiles and he kisses her, and then presses another one to the top of her head when she rests it on his shoulder.

They're quiet for a minute before he speaks again.

"Maybe - maybe we should start thinking of names," he suggests tentatively, not quite sure if she's ready for that yet.

"I actually already thought of one," she says, sitting up to look at him properly.

"What is it?" he asks, looking at her curiously.

"Well," she begins, and he can see her eyes filling with tears again, "for the first name, I was thinking Samuel, after - after Sam."

She pauses, closing her eyes momentarily, and he reaches for her hand, giving it a squeeze. The pain is still fresh, and he knows how much she misses him.

She takes a shaky breath after a few seconds and opens her eyes. He smiles encouragingly at her, squeezing her hand again, and she continues.

"For the middle name, I was thinking George, after Grandpa. I know it's kind of corny," she continues, before he can reply, "but I just thought -"

"I love it," he interrupts, his smile widening.

"You do?" she says, her shoulders relaxing as she smiles hesitantly.

He nods. "It's perfect. I don't think he could be named for two better men."

"Three," she amends, and he frowns curiously. "He's got your last name."

He laughs softly. "I don't think that really counts."

"Well, I say it does," she says with an air of finality, and he laughs again.

He looks at her for a moment and then shifts to lower his head to her stomach, holding it in his hands.

"Hey, Sammy," he says softly. "Can't wait to meet you. I love you," he adds in a whisper and then touches a gentle kiss to her belly.

When he looks up at her, the tears are back, but she's smiling broadly. "You're such a dork. A sweet, kind, loving dork, but still a dork."

"But you love me anyway," he says, leaning forward to kiss her. Her arms loop around his neck as she kisses him back and she smiles when he pulls away.

"God help me, I do. I really, really do." She stares at him a moment, her expression suddenly serious, and then she laughs a little breathlessly. "I love you so much."

"I know," he replies, one hand resting on her stomach, and smiles. "I love you too."

pairing: evan/penny, *rating: g, !fic, !!author: mary, #deleted/missing scene

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