Saturday Evening - Thursday's Room, 33 Apocalypse Ave

Nov 26, 2006 15:45

It was dark when Thursday finally woke. Her muscles were stiff from yesterday's unexpected exercise, but she was lucky to come out of the fight with only a few bumps and bruises. She owed John and apparently Principal Washburn a great deal for watching Friday on such short notice.

The whole ordeal, at least from Thursday's point of view, had started out when she had overheard El Mariachi talking to John Connor about Nadia Santos' kidnappers. She had insisted on helping out. Part of it was that sometimes bewildering hero complex that caused her to leap into the least sensible of situations. Part of it was wanting something to do that didn't involve paperwork.

El Mariachi, Sister Rosette Christopher, Chrono and John Connor had been waiting at the causeway and from there it had been all guns blazing. It was a far cry from SpecOps work, but when someone was shooting at her, Thursday had no problem in firing back.

Nadia was retrieved, the kidnapper was dealt with and they had made it back this morning at dawn. Once the injured were safe and sound in the clinic, Thursday had returned home to check on Friday. He was sleeping soundly, his stuffed polar bear Poley tucked tightly under his arm.

A quick meal and a nap later and she was looking at the ceiling, wondering why there was an irritating ringing sound jarring her from sleep. Then she realised it was the phone.

"Hello Doofus!"


"No, it's St. Zvlkx risen from the dead to collect his winnings."

"Very funny, Joff. Don't you have any respect for the dead?"

"Of course I do. I don't dress like a priest just for kicks. Besides, Zvlkx would've found it funny, the dirty old bastard."

Thursday stifled a yawn. "What time is it?" she turned her head to peer at the clock on the bedside table.

"It's morning here. Don't know about there. This phone call is probably costing Mum a fortune."

Thursday rubbed her face. "You don't randomly call. Is something wrong?"

"Nope, but Mother Dearest wanted me to call and ask if you and the sprog are coming home for Christmas."

"Unless Dad says so, I doubt it."

"How is dear old eradicated Dad anyway?"

"Still eradicated?"

"Afraid so. The ChronoGuard sure takes its time with paperwork."

"Joff, where's Mum? Shouldn't she be making this call?"

"She's off doing some SO-3 thingy. I think there might have been a bridge involved."

"Or she's off playing Bridge."

"Now there's an idea! Are alright Doofus? You sound off."

"I joined a vigilante group with the dance teacher, a student, a demon and the local nun to board a drug dealer's ship to rescue another student who'd been taken hostage. I only got back this morning and you woke me up."

"Ooh a nun?" Joffy asked, ignoring the rest. "What kind of religion do they have in that place anyway?"

"All sorts, but I didn't have a chance to ask which one she followed. We were busy."


"Joff, could this phone call be traced?"

"I doubt it. Mycroft set up some secure line thingy at Dad's request. Not that I heard Dad say it since I never get to see him, but so Mycroft says."

"Oh. Good then."

"Right, I'm off then. Message delivered. Oh, and your darling husband says to say that as soon as he's been in contact with Dad he'll be stopping in for Christmas. Now I'm really going."

"Give my best to everyone."

"Take care of my nephew."

Joffy hung up and Thursday put the phone down. She got up and decided to check on Friday.

[OOC: Mostly a linkdrop, but open to any housemates who might want to talk to Thursday.]

landen, ye grande olde kidnapping, joffy, friday, el mariachi, john

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