School Library - After Classes, Wednesday Evening

Dec 06, 2007 09:13

Once everyone arrived and gathered around the service desk, Thursday moved to the front doors and locked them. She returned to the group which consisted of her library aides, minus Adah Price for a number of reasons. "Thank you all for coming. I know we don't regularly have library meetings, but this is a special case. I don't know if any of you are aware, but I'm currently the leader of an organisation called Jurisfiction. They police the on-goings within fiction itself. You may be doubtful, but at least where I come from and here in Fandom, the world inside books is very real. The problem is that I've lost contact with the rest of the BookWorld and, despite my best efforts, I haven't been able to find a way back in. You may have noticed the changes occurring in books that you know very well these past few days. Characters are disappearing, plots are changing, that sort of thing. Things are out of sorts and that generally means that something is very wrong. Unfortunately, I've run out of ideas for getting back in and I need your help. All of the regular methods of getting into the BookWorld have failed. We need fresh ideas and, if you're willing, I could use your help if we can get inside as well."

She looked at each of them, not used to having to ask for help.


Mac's knowledge, not really tailored to anything about alternate realities. Book related, or otherwise.

"How would you normally get in?" To her, no travel between worlds is particularly 'normal'.


"Three people from my reality's past were once sent to the Storybook world," Bridge offers. "But that was an evil witch's spell. I don't think that's the kind of thing we'd want to use."


"No, that doesn't sound good at all," Sam said. "Has anything like this ever happened before?"


"Not to my knowledge," Thursday replied. "The normal way of getting into the BookWorld is simply to read yourself in. Not everyone has the ability and those who do have to learn to hone those skills. Still, there are other methods of at least making contact with the BookWorld and none of those have worked either. I've tried accessing every way I know and none of them have worked."


Karal glanced at Altra. The Firecat was sitting on a chair, grooming one paw with fierce intent, but he looked up when Karal's gaze settled on him. :No.:

Karal kept looking, a hint of reproach in his eyes. Altra's ears went flat and his tail twitched. :How am I supposed to Jump into a book?!:

"How do you Jump across dimensions," he said softly, then addressed the group, eyes on Thursday. "I...may know a way."


Thursday tilted her head slightly. "Anything you can contribute is appreciated."


"Altra," Karal settled one hand on the 'cat's head, "Altra may be able to take us into the Bookworld, to Jump us there."

Altra looked extremely disgruntled as he looked up at Thursday, addressing her directly. :If it exists, I can Jump there.: He curled his tail neatly around his paws. :Can doesn't mean will, however.:


Okay, talking cat. That wasn't somethng new, but she hadn't known that Altra could talk. Still, she took it in her stride. "The changes in books that have been occurring indicate that something is very wrong. Someone or something inside the BookWorld is causing these changes to happen and they could become more drastic. If they keep happening, the cohesion of the book be lost and one by one novels will start falling apart. Unfortunately, if this goes on, it could mean the end of all fiction, everywhere. I'm trying to get in to see if I can stop that from happening. Your help would be greatly appreciated, Altra."


"What about the rest of us?" Sam asked, looking at Thursday hopefully. "Can we help too?"


Thursday wanted to say no and leave them all behind, but Friday's words rang in her mind. She gave a brisk nod. "Don't feel obliged to, but yes, I could use your help." She glanced around. "All of you."


"A chance to visit books? Are you kidding?" Anemone looked up from where she had been doodling in her notebook. "I'll go. When do we leave?"


"I'm *so* in," Bridge confirms. "Helping out is what I do."


"The sooner we leave, the sooner we can find out what's going wrong and fix it. So," she looked at the cat, "whenever you're ready."


Altra sighed, unable to resist Karal's reproachful look. :Very well. Move closer together. You,: he looked pointedly at Thursday, :stand closest. I'll need to get some idea where we're going, and your head is the only place I can get it from.:


Everyone moved into position. Thursday was closest to Altra, followed by Karal, Sam, Mac, Bridge, Anemone and finally Lee at the end of their chain. In the blink of an eye, the library was empty.

[OOC: Not for interaction, but public for broadcast. Pre-played with bridge_carson, death_of_hope, imac_kenzie, psychic_wonder, vkandis_son and featuring stupid_toasters with permission!]

jurisfiction plot, karal, library, jurisfiction, anemone, lee, bridge, altra, sam, mac

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