33 Apocalypse Ave and Beyond - Tuesday Evening (Chapter 1)

Dec 27, 2006 23:24

A phone call and a packed bag later, Thursday was in the kitchen sticking a magnet to a note on the fridge asking her housemates to please feed Pickwick, even though she had enough food in her bowl to last her a few days.

She walked out to the living room, swung the bag over her shoulder, scooped up Friday and pulled out her Jurisfiction travel book. She began to read. "I was in a long, dark, wood-panelled corridor--"

Before long, we were nowhere to be seen. This largely had to do with the fact that Friday and I were no longer in Fandom. We found ourselves in a long, dark, wood-panelled corridor that I knew all too well. This was the Great Library, the corridor in particular where I had been coming and going as a Jurisfiction agent for the past few years.

"A visitor!" exclaimed a voice behind me. "What a delightful- oh, it's you." The Cheshire Cat looked down at us from atop a bookcase. Anyone who didn't know him might have assumed, from the grin on his face, that the Cat was pleased to see us. I knew from the twitch of his tail that that was far from the case.

"Hello Cat," I said, hefting Friday on my hip. Friday, being the sociable fellow he was, waved in greeting.

"You aren't supposed to be here. It isn't safe. Minotaurs travel more during the holidays, you know."

"I didn't, but is there any particular reason for that?" Small talk really wasn't my forte, but curiosity got the better of me. I wanted to understand the behaviour of minotaurs so I could avoid the one trying to kill me, so it didn't hurt to ask.

The Cat rolled his eyes at me and sighed. "Everyone travels more during the holidays. Minotaurs are no exception unless there are llamas involved."

Thinking it best not to dwell on the presence of llamas in the conversation, I got to the point. "Hopefully not the one looking for me though, because Landen is missing." Saying the words didn't make it any easier to think about the situation. My husband was missing with no sign of him ever being here and yet he wasn't eradicated, or so past experience told me. Nevertheless, we both had enemies or, more accurately, I had enemies that would use Landen against me. He was gone for now, but I wasn't about to lose my husband again, especially without knowing who was responsible.

"It can't have been your Minotaur," the Cat assured me. "We've been monitoring all incoming and outgoing traffic between Fandom and the BookWorld. Commander Bradshaw made sure of it."

"Unless he found another way in," I replied, unconvinced. I didn't want to go for the worst case scenario, especially in front of Friday, but the possibility existed and it needed to be discussed.

"I'll get someone right on it," the Cat said and started to disappear, tail first. He was halfway into thin air when he suddenly reappeared. "Oh, and Merry Christmas, even if it is a little late, or early if we're starting on next year. How are those delightful students of yours? Did they all pass?"

"They're fine and they passed. Several of them have asked after you."

"Really?" the Cat perked up, grin widening. "I'm glad they passed. They deserved to pass. They were all quite mad."

"The class wasn't about being mad, Cat."

"Oh, but you're wrong," he insisted with a flick of his tail. "The class was about fiction, and as you know," he started disappearing again until there was nothing but a grin hanging in mid-air. "We're all mad here." The grin vanished with a quiet pop.

"Mauris blandit," Friday said. Even though I couldn't understand what Friday was saying, the look on his face said it all and I couldn't have agreed with him more. Everyone here really was quite mad, and none more so than the Unitary Authority of Warrington Cat.

"You said it," I replied and flicked my Jurisfiction travel book to the page with a well-written description of my mother's front yard. The page originally contained a description of her living room, but when I suddenly appeared once in the middle of Mum, Polly and Mycroft watching television, I not only nearly gave Mum a heart attack, I also interrupted an episode of Name That Fruit! Despite being glad to see me, they were all quite insistent that I not get in the way of the television set again, so the front yard it was from then on. "Come on then," I said to my son, whose hair had inexplicably defied gravity once again, "Let's go see your Gran."

I began to read.

[OOC: Thursday's actions in Fandom for broadcast, everything thereafter NFB due to distance. Holy first person narrative, Batman! It's canon for the TN series to be told from Thursday's perspective in her own words, so while she's at home that's what I'll be doing. IC interaction not possible, but OOC welcome. Can I have a cookie? Let's see how long I can make this OOC note. On second thoughts, let's not, because I just found cookies and now I'm distracted.]

polly, mycroft, herenowgone, great library, mum, landen, cheshire cat, friday

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