Upside: Magic heals faster than other things. I might give Apparation a shot and hope I don't lose any stitches soon. Mainly because it's lonely here, bar the lass who's boyfriend doesn't have dreadlocks. I miss people. What's wrong with me?
Until then, I shall amuse myself with books and cigarettes. C'est ma vie.
There's some weird people walking around the castle these days. I could have sworn one of them looked like Nearly Headless Nick, except alive and with shorter hair. And obviously, no partially missing head. Maybe it's a relative. But since when could ghosts invite relatives? I went to ask Nora, but all I could find was an exceptionally angry Scottish lass who wanted to see me in a kilt. Close enough, but no biscuit. The one I was looking for was 500 years older. Then again, it's not hard to find scottish people around here.
New staff are odd.
why do I get the impression something really weird is going off here? Really, really weird. Maybe it's just that I've been inside too long. I think Thundereagle's getting to me, you know. Inside too long! Good god, who am I?
Everything just feels weird. It's nothing I can place. Where the HELL is Flitwick, though?
I'm alive and kicking. Or just alive and lounging around with books and cigarettes. It's how I roll. Which is a little sad, as I think even Flitwick has more of a life than me as I haven't seen him around here in weeks. Or the ghosts. Are the ghosts on holiday this weekend, cause they're not here either?
Sometimes in this castle, I just shrug and accept.
thank you, g'night.
It was either that or an Icelandic Saga (which Daione quite likes my rendition of with Mr Fluffles the Panda as the hero and Finn the Polar Bear as the evil King. Mmm, bear drama. Oh, and I wrote that children's book, Cadence! I WIN!