Quote book!

Mar 08, 2004 21:29

I just stumbled upon my copy of the IYSO 2003 quote book...and was in hysterics. Just for your viewing pleasure, I wanted to post a few (or more than a few...) of the best ones. Enjoy!

“But we have to count and turn the page!” - Julia

“I don’t want to die a virgin - You’re my only hope.” - Emily

“There are many similarities between the D minor and the E minor concertos. Both are minor”
- Mr. Porter

Reesie: Emily, do something with him!
Emily: (Talking to someone else) not like that!

“I figure having a large, hard object between my legs for long periods of time, should have a guy’s name.” - Allison (on why her cello has a guy’s name)

Little John: What time is it?
Sam: (to another person) Cheese
Little John: (understandingly) Oh, ok

“You’ve got him like a fishhook. Not like the regular hooks, but the kind where you can’t pull it back, you have to push it all the way through to get it out. “ - Reesie

Reesie: See, I’m a clean virgin. And I’m proud of it.
Emily: As opposed to a dirty one?

“Oh my God, I sound like a dying sea lion!” - Emily (the ORIGINAL dying sea lion cough...all the ones since then have just been wannabes.)

“When the curtains are closed, it means they are busy” - Claire’s host father in the Netherlands

“Pay me, I’m good!” - Mark

“They eat French bread in France?! Oh! Now I get it!” - Julia

“It just so happens that I have everything I need in my pants.” - Trevor

“I weigh a toddler more than you!” - Sam

Mark: What’s in your pants?
Reesie: Nothing
Jeff: (to someone else) is it yours?
Reesie: no

“You see, Basses are the people everybody likes, but it’s the violas everyone wants to be like”
- Mark

Jeff: Yeah, but our instrument was created before yours
Mark: They create rough drafts before they create masterpieces
Emily: Which is why God created man before woman

“I better hike up my pants before my pencil holder starts hangin out” - Carly

“Emily, dear, are you ok? Give me the finger if you need a hand” - Erin

Mark: Did you know that when you laugh you look like you are humping the floor?
Trevor: You mean when I’m humping the floor it looks like I’m laughing

“Pass me my watch, I’m naked” - Trevor

Otis: How’d you change your pants?
Trevor: I start by taking the original pair off…

“I want my tempo! Not yours, mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!” - Mr. Porter

“Fiat makes motor homes!” - Sam

“Don’t trust anything called Dr. Sleep” - Emily

“I’d rather have a big long bus ride back home. Why can’t we have a road trip back to America?… I know, I know - it’s got that big pool in the middle” - Reesie

“I ordered a pair of Judy Garland’s slippers 20 minutes ago, and this is what you give me?!”
- Pooter (to a cigarette vending machine at 1:30 in the morning while pushing 2 buttons at once and looking kind of depraved)

“There’s always a way to get it in” - Jeff

Oh man...good times. There were so many more, too. I should really print out copies and keep them...like, everywhere.

I miss all you guys!
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