Mar 20, 2006 17:26
NO ONE IS ORIGINAL. Has anyone noticed that? If you go somewhere and buy a pair of jeans, someone is going to have them. Someone somewhere is wearing clothing a lot like yours. Someone will have the same piercing as you do. ESPECIALLY if it is popular. Unless you did something yourself, if it is an uncommon idea, you might have something FEW people have. It has all been done before. EVERYTHING has been done before...
Next time you think someone is trying to be like you, that your trying to be original, your not, they are not. We are all people and we all have similar habits. Next time you walk into a tattoo parlor and see something they have on the wall, know someone else has it. Someone else will get it. Next time you get your hair cut, know someone else has had it no matter how horrible it could look... Next time you get something pierced look at all the people that have that, that want that, that are getting that at that exact moment. NOTHING is original. Your clothing, your jewelry, your contacts down to the perscription, the color of your nails, make-up, bra size, your newest tee shirt, your new shoes or hair product, your food, your hoodie, your coat, your jeans or bondage pants, your boxers, your cammo outfit, your frames to your glasses, what you smoke and/or drink, your computer that you are staring at, someone else has it, has done it, drank it, ate it, wore it, used it, smelled of it, no one is original...
When someone gets something similar to what you have, who gives a fuck. Life is too short to care about being different when different is so impossible to obtain. Suck it up and get over it people. I used to think I was original until someone told me this. She was right.
The only thing you may have that no one on this earth may have is a number. Numbers are infinate, ideas are limited. The way you talk, eat, sleep, smile, what you laugh at, what you talk about, the way you walk, the things you do, ALL BEEN DONE. Now all of you can go look into a mirror, look at every inch of your body, your clothing, maybe write on it with a pen to attempt to be yourself but it has been done. Just give up. It is society. Live a little less tight. Be your own person in mind because what you wear on your skin is not going to be something that no one else has.
This is directed at no one but it was sparked by you. NOT directed. I have known this for a while now and I think it is about time it goes into my lj.