Aug 18, 2009 01:57
I am going to put this up here. Since everything is "Michelle Michelle Michelle" I should wait to write another journal entry. Just because I know this has to get annoying. Just extended update you after a few months. My problem is that this is so ongoing that I know it wont change six months from now. Even if I was to hate her it wouldn't change how I feel. I drove past her house tonight (and no I am not a stalker). I drove by just to make sure her car was there (which I have never done before by the way) because if it isn't at one AM something is probably wrong. At which I would probably call her to see what's up. If her lights are out and her car is there I refuse to bother her. She hasn't texted me in a few days which could mean a few different things but when she doesn't answer the "are you ok" text with even a simple yes or no, I get a little worried. She has been like hermiting herself lately. Like, she is either a. stressed whether it be physically or emotionally, b. she is in the hospital, or c. her girlfriend has banned her from talking to me again. I am hoping she is just really busy. B and C don't sound too happy nor promising. Anywho, enough with the update.