
Aug 14, 2009 06:14

I am always constantly meeting new people whether it be through someone or randomly at a place blah blah blah. However, today I was expanding. Really talking to people and gaining more of an understanding of the world of which is outside mine just to see if I am ready now for people to start entering my life again. I had a couple really good conversations with old friends and new found friends along with a couple of random people. I spent all night out at Roxx with a couple of friends to pass some of the time. I found a good listener as well as a good advice giver. Both of which really took the time to get to know me.

While I was talking to Warwick I noticed a couple of falling stars. For every single one of the three I saw I wished for the same thing. Someday she will be happy and I wish it because to me, that's what matters. Anywho, I am falling asleep typing. Goodnight.
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