First, A comic!
Next, TCAF Sketch Dump:
And Finally, words! Boring, boring words!
So the camel's back is finally broken.
Livejournal was the first type of blog i ever signed up for, way back in those heady days of 2002. One day shortly after impulsively quitting a really shitty job i had no replacement for, i decided the free blog format was perfect for posting comics to, and lo an behold No-Talent Hack was born.
But now it's 2011. The pop-up ads for non-paid members, the increased spam, the scores of other LJ-ers who've already jumped ship... LJ just seems like it's in its this-party's-gone-on-way-too-long-all-the-booze-is-gone-and-the-hosts-are-really-trying-to-leave-hints-they-want-everyone-to-go stage. So i'm going. I'm not going to stop making comics, and i'm not deleting the blog just yet--i'm working on developing and moving shit over to a personal site. But "No-Talent Hack" is done.
So yeah. See you in the funny pages. and by funny pages i mean