Daily Pilots Post

Jul 31, 2010 01:34

Hi everyone,

This post is going up a little earlier than usual because it's a bit of Friday fun.

Firstly, your prompt for the day: One Crowded Hour, which is the title of a song (youtube link alert) by Augie March. Lyrics are here. Feel free to use the title, the song or the lyrics as your prompt, and it's the usual drill - post anything you like in response, as long as it's to do with Kara and Lee!

Today is quiz time. Below the cut are sets of Lee and Kara quotes - can you name the episodes they come from?

1. You know the President says that we're saving humanity for a bright, shiny future. o­n Earth. That you and I are never gonna see. We're not. Because we go out over and over again until someday, some metal motherfrakker is gonna catch us o­n a bad day and just blow us away. (2.15 Scar)

2. Apollo, you magnificent bastard, that was o­ne hell of a piece of flying and I couldn't have done it better myself. (1.10 - Hand of God)

3. You are the worst CAG in the history of C.A.G.S, actually. (1.04 - Acts of Contrition)

4. Lords, it's Kara Thrace. I'm running a little low o­n O2 and I could use a lucky break. No? Okay, just thought I'd mention it. (1.05 - You Can't Go Home Again)

5. Me in a dress is a o­nce in a lifetime opportunity. (1.11 - Colonial Day)

6. You know, everyone I know... is fighting to get back what they had. And I'm fighting 'cause I don't know how to do anything else. (2.02 Valley of Darkness)

7. So she either says "Yes, sir" and obeys a direct order, or you smack her in the mouth, and you drag her sorry ass down to sick bay, and you make her take those pills. (From 1.01 - 33)

8. I’m not a commodity, I’m a viper pilot. (2.05 The Farm)

9. Screaming at people doesn't always get the best results, sir. I learned that at officer candidate school. (1.03 - Bastille Day)

10. You can't take it back. There's no take-backs. (2.06 Home)

11. (Whiplash: Hey, that's 48 kills right there.) Starbuck: Special. Do you have caps and t-shirts too? (2.10 Pegasus)

1. So, um, that bum knee of yours is looking pretty good. And the other o­ne's not too bad either. (1.11 - Colonial Day)

2. But you can tell my father that I'm listening to my instincts and my instincts tell me that we cannot sacrifice our democracy just because the President makes a bad decision. (1.13 - Kobol's Last Gleaming)

3. Boy, when you take a souvenir, you don't screw around. Oh, my gods, you smell like a latrine. (1.05 - You Can't Go Home Again)

4. The name of my Commander is Adama, which should be pretty easy to remember, because it's my name. (2.10 Pegasus)

5. Listen, you are fine, you're fine with the dead guys. It's the living guys you can't deal with. (2.15 Scar)

6. Apollo: Sometimes you got to roll a hard six.

Jammer: Wh-what does that mean, sir?

Apollo: Uh... I don't know. It's something my dad says. (2.02 Valley of Darkness)

7. Come o­n, Starbuck, you can do it. Ahh, that smarts. Yeah, that smarts, but I don't care...I don't care, because your pain is my entertainment. (1.07 - Six Degrees of Separation)

8. That's it, isn't it? You don't want elections, you don't want your freedom. You want a bloodbath. (1.03 - Bastille Day)

9. I just want you to know, Kara, that I'm your friend. I love you. (2.06 Home)

10. But don't worry, I told Tigh that you wouldn't know Caprican poetry if it was hot-soldered across your helmet. (2.08 Final Cut)

* Most of these conversations are between Kara and Lee. This wasn't entirely intentional, but I'm glad it turned out that way!

* Comments are screened so you can all guess away to your hearts' content. I'm off to bed now, but I'll be up in a few hours to unscreen any drabbles or other responses to the drabble prompt.

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