Daily Pilots Post

Jul 27, 2010 10:29

Hello everyone! I'm lyras, and I will be flying your ship this week. I'm sorry this first post may be going up a little late - I'm in Australia and was trying to negotiate the time zones, but may have got this one a little wrong. I'll try and make sure tomorrow's post goes up earlier.

I've come into Kara/Lee and BSG fandom in general very late, and my experience has been almost entirely LJ (or Dreamwidth)-centred. But I know a lot of you started off elsewhere on the internet (I've heard the SyFy forums mentioned, I think?), and a few weeks ago someone mentioned that a good K/L fic archive that had been down for a while was up again.

So my question is this: what are your go to places for Kara/Lee goodness around the internet? It can be for anything you like: screencaps, fic, discussion, episode recaps... Are there places that you used to frequent but which LJ has now replaced? Are there places that LJ will never be able to replace, for whatever reason?

I feel like I've missed out on an awful lot of fannish goodness, so I'm curious. :)

ETA: List of resources

On LJ:
no_takebacks (:P Well, if we're including LJ places, this one takes prime position, yes?)
sasa_hq, including the rec room for fic and the rec room for fanvids

Off LJ:
http://karalee.boostcast.com - Kara/Lee vid clips
Frak That - screencaps
Daydreaming - screencaps
GalacticaBBS - screencaps
Disparue.org - screencaps
Skiffy - aka the SyFy Forum
The Fallout Shelter - fic
BSG 2003 fanfic archive - more fic
TwizTV - transcripts
Battlestar Wiki - research
Wikipedia list of BSG episodes
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