Daily Pilots Post: The Favorite Meme

Apr 26, 2010 13:02

Hello fellow shippers! My name is Cosette and I will be your DPP host for this week. My fabulous predecessors have done a wonderful job over these past weeks, and I hope to keep the fun going! :D

We have already discussed our favorite moments, scenes, fics, vids… And I don’t know about all of you, but personally, when it comes to K/L related stuff ( Read more... )

pilot lyrics, fic recs, vid recs, discussion

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scifishipper April 26 2010, 15:14:46 UTC
COSETTE!!!! Yay! I'm so excited that you are driving the train this week!

*Your favorite K/L scene. And why?
*writhes with indecision*  The briefest of scenes when Kara and Lee are sitting by the fire in Home. They're so comfortable and close there. Two friends, grateful for each other, sitting and talking quietly. I'd love to know what they were chatting about. Is there a fic about this?

*Your favorite Kara/Starbuck moment. And why?
Gods, this is hard. I'm going to have to say Kara's speech in Scar - she shows the vulnerable side in front of the crew and frakking remembers a lot of names. She is lovely there.

*Your favorite Lee/Apollo moment. And why?
When Lee comforts Adama after the cylon!tigh reveal in Revelations and then he marches to the airlock and punches Tigh in the face. Breaks my heart and makes me proud.


*Your favorite pic of them? (evidence would be muchly appreciated!)

*Your favorite K/L fic?
Periapsis by rawles
I love that rawles removed all of the schmoop and angst and just made it about the two of them, living in a world of each other without a care for the rest of those frakkers.

*Your favorite K/L song?
Betrayed Me by Adema
It's my post-NewCap anthem. I am a total sucker for the conflicted love/hate songs with a bit of a hard edge.

*Your favorite K/L vid?
BSG Fanvid: Apologize by One Republic by latteaddict 
Spans the entire relationship chronologically (for the most part). It's painful and beautiful.


cosetteferaud April 26 2010, 16:05:47 UTC
HEATHER!!! Hee, I am so excited with the DDP, they are the best idea ever! :D

The briefest of scenes when Kara and Lee are sitting by the fire in Home

So interesting that you didn't choose one of their big scenes. But to tell you the truth, I fell in love with K/L because of little moments like this. I think Home!Pilots are my favorite pilots ever, their siblings/buddycops dynamic plus all the childish flirting in those eps is utterly adorable. They seem so hopeful and young. Sigh.

The pic!! I LOVE that one, especially how cocky he looks and the way he invades her personal space (and I love how Kara pats Lee's shoulder afterwards, it's so casual and intimate at the same time).


scifishipper April 26 2010, 16:14:06 UTC
So interesting that you didn't choose one of their big scenes.

I tried not to think about my answer too much - I wanted to go with the scene that my brain jumped to. I've been craving non-angsty pilots lately and I just love them in Home. The way they keep looking at each other when they're under the stars in the Temple of Athena - like two kids in a candy store. There's so much tenderness and affection between them. I just adore it.

(But ask me tomorrow and my answer might be different!) ;)


cosetteferaud April 26 2010, 16:21:39 UTC
(But ask me tomorrow and my answer might be different!) ;)

Hee, same here. It just impossible to choose only one, right?


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