Daily Pilots Post: The Favorite Meme

Apr 26, 2010 13:02

Hello fellow shippers! My name is Cosette and I will be your DPP host for this week. My fabulous predecessors have done a wonderful job over these past weeks, and I hope to keep the fun going! :D

We have already discussed our favorite moments, scenes, fics, vids… And I don’t know about all of you, but personally, when it comes to K/L related stuff ( Read more... )

pilot lyrics, fic recs, vid recs, discussion

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latteaddict April 26 2010, 13:50:42 UTC
The only one rule is so very, very hard! But here it goes.

Your favorite K/L scene. And why?

UB - I miss you, I miss you too, scene. Maybe I love it so much because the entire episode wrecked me and I was already in tears so when they got to this final exchange I was powerless against it. They'd been apart for seventeen months and had beaten each other bloody and were so full of hurt that the 'miss yous' were more powerful than any exchange of love declarations could ever be. It was one of their rare, pure and honest moments where their souls had been cracked wide open.

Your favorite Kara/Starbuck moment. And why?

When she confesses her part in Zak's death to Papadama. I love Kara's cockiness and swagger but it's that broken and damaged girl underneath that makes me fiercely loyal to her.

Your favorite Lee/Apollo moment. And why?In Revelations when he takes care of his father and then goes and punches Tigh in the face. Why? I guess because Lee so rarely steps up and takes charge for personal reasons, (it's always about some ( ... )


cosetteferaud April 26 2010, 15:27:23 UTC
The only one rule is so very, very hard!

Heee. That's the challenge! ;P

It was one of their rare, pure and honest moments where their souls had been cracked wide open.

Aw, I love that moment too. It was the perfect ending for a perfect episode (and I love that the exchange is not necessarily romantic).

In Revelations when he takes care of his father and then goes and punches Tigh in the face.

I really like Lee in "Revelations", I love how he takes charge, seeing Adama utterly broken. I guess Adama was always clueless about his son --and I dislike him a little bit for that--, but that moment was a lovely father-son interaction, the proof of how much their relationhip had grown since the mini.

And I possibly find Lee hotter in this fic than in actual canon.

Heee. Alpha!Lee in this fic is super hot --and I like Kara's characterization too, a little bit softer and vulnerable. And yup, the sexual tension --and the actual sex-- is great.

it's definitely NOT WORK SAFE. Yeah, you heard me!



latteaddict April 27 2010, 12:02:49 UTC
(and I love that the exchange is not necessarily romantic).

I guess, but I still think it was the most romantic thing ever. Considering what broke them apart, to admit needing each other like that was huge (and romantic as hell). I must be in a sappy mood today :)

I guess Adama was always clueless about his son --and I dislike him a little bit for that--

My like for the scene in purely on Lee's behalf. I'm actually repulsed by Eddie's overacting and histrionics and Adama's complete self indulgence. Apart from Kara and Lee's fate (separate and combined) I'm also very bitter about how Adama turned out.

Heee. Alpha!Lee in this fic is super hot

He's alpha but still has his core of chivalry, inner angst and is hopelessly in love with Kara. When he hears about Kara possibly moving on with someone new he comes to make his claim instead of sending her off and wishing her well. Which is, in a nutshell, why I love fanfic Lee more than canon Lee.

and I like Kara's characterization too, a little bit softer and vulnerable. Kara's ( ... )


cosetteferaud April 27 2010, 15:26:04 UTC
Hee. I am ALWAYS in a sappy mood when it comes to pilots! But I agree with you, the hug is incredibly romantic. What I meant when I said it’s was not necessarily romantic is that it was about less than their feelings for each other as lovers, but about how much they needed each other as persons.

I'm also very bitter about how Adama turned out.

ITA. And I hate the way he treated Kara in S3 and later on.

When he hears about Kara possibly moving on with someone new he comes to make his claim instead of sending her off and wishing her well. Which is, in a nutshell, why I love fanfic Lee more than canon Lee.

Yes, I totally get what you mean. I love Lee so much, but what you point out is true, he was never assertive enough to deal with Kara and her moods and her ever-present attempts to push him away -but hey, he was as scared and felt so insecure as Kara.

Kara's sometimes a little too soft for my tastes in the story but as a canon character she has such range and altering moods that I'm more inclined to embrace how different writers ( ... )


latteaddict April 27 2010, 23:56:29 UTC
Speaking of wisteria_'s awesome characterisations, I possibly love her Lee voice even more than Kara's! Ten Freefalls come to mind as a perfect example.


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latteaddict April 27 2010, 12:08:40 UTC
Lee is so sexy in that story, I love it!

Yes, hackaddict is so wonderful. She never stayed in a comfort zone but explored dozens and dozens of different situations and scenarios. K/L didn't always work out or end up together, sometimes they were passionate, sometimes they were just friends and so many of her stories were lengthy epics which is great for a voracious readers like myself.


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latteaddict April 28 2010, 00:14:28 UTC
aww. I feel bad about it sometimes but I think it was best. Hey, just think about all the badfic you've been saved from reading! :P


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