Hello fellow shippers! My name is Cosette and I will be your DPP host for this week. My fabulous predecessors have done a wonderful job over these past weeks, and I hope to keep the fun going! :D
We have already discussed our favorite moments, scenes, fics, vids… And I don’t know about all of you, but personally, when it comes to K/L related stuff
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1. Favorite Kara/Lee scene. Raptor outmaking. I wrote about it here and my feelings about that scene haven't changed one bit. :-D
2. Favorite Kara moment. Favorite?! Wow. This isn't my favorite, favorite moment. I know others will disagree but I love the moment when the painting turns into the basestar and Kara laughs. I felt it was the first time I had seen even a glimpse of the real Kara in . . . months. It made my heart happy. She was in there somewhere and she was happy and right for a moment. It makes me misty now but at the time I really was glad to see my girl, even briefly. I love to hear her laugh.
3. Favorite Lee moment. Back to Eye of Jupiter. When he flips out on Sam. He's all sweaty and angry and he has loved Kara longer than you! How dare you! Gosh, folks I tell you I got shivers. I thought Lee ( ... )
I love this one for K/L especially because of the subtext of Stevie and Lindsey and their failed romance. That live performance video has just a hint of piloty eye frak, or at the very least stolen glances and attempts to not hold eye contact.
Same here :). But I already knew that your fave K/L moment what the raptor scene. Definitely one of my faves too.
I am still pondering about my Kara favorite moment (that's why I skipped the question, heh). So though. I really loved the one you mention, I was so happy to see her smiling again.
The pic! hehe. That is definitely one of my all time faves. Oh, the UST!
Can you believe that I don't know if I've read "Never Be Warm Again"? *g* I can't remember which was my first K/L fic (I guess something by daphnaea or leda13, and I was impressed), I read so many in a matter of days! (yup, I was totally obsessed).
"Landslide" is lovely. Part 3 of Circuit always was my fave :)
I can't wait to hear your favorite Kara moment!
You've never read it? Well, that makes me glad I recced one of my old faves. After five years of reading K/L fic (a good new one this very morning) I firmly believe you can never ever read all the fic out there on them. There are always old ones you've missed or new ones being created right now somewhere. Pilots!fic keeps going and this is a good, good thing. :-)
I'm glad you liked Landslide. And I reread your comments to Circuit yesterday. Comments like those make me want to write another K/L story! Hee!
ETA: And I didn't realize you were driving the DPP train this week. Eeep! (I haven't quite realized I'm in another week yet!)
I am not sure if I haven't read it --I'll have to check out later, because I am pretty sure I've read all Claira's fic!
There are always old ones you've missed or new ones being created right now somewhere.
That's true. And even though some good authors stopped writing K/L a while ago, right now there are really talented writers creating new stories and keeping the torch burning. I love it.
And I reread your comments to Circuit yesterday. Comments like those make me want to write another K/L story! Hee!
Aw, you know I love writing epic comments (when I have time, that is ;P). And how much I'd love to see more DB's K/L fic? Very much ;)
I love that moment so much! Definitely one of my favorites in season 4.
Gotta love Kara. And yay, others like that moment toooooo!
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