Hey, all! Bee, our fearless rewatch leader, asked that I make a little announcement about the rewatch, since, as you can tell, we've not exactly got a new schedule ironed out and she's had a truly crazy week at work
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I voted for Fridays because that's my *best* option. ;) However, I am fine with a rotating day since I certainly don't want to exclude anyone. If that makes sense?
question: would we rotate *all* days, or determine the minimum amount of days to ensure everyone is included and rotate that way? Should mean ppl who can only join in on one particular day will be accommodated more often while making sure noone misses out!
Friday works best for me then I can actually participate. I signed on and everything for Razor last week. BUT LJ was being really really snail paced so I gave up.
I know it sounds completely selfish, but I think Mondays would be best.
HOWEVER, I do agree w/ a rotating schedule...just not week-to-week, but rather month-to-month? Also, I really would like to have either one big weekend rewatch for big shippers episodes (Unfinished Business! Eye of Jupiter! Maelstrom!) like on a Sat night so that the most amount of people can participate (or maybe two rewatches?)
Anyway, I just want to host kick-ass afterparties. Flood my inbox. ;)
Comments 4
question: would we rotate *all* days, or determine the minimum amount of days to ensure everyone is included and rotate that way? Should mean ppl who can only join in on one particular day will be accommodated more often while making sure noone misses out!
HOWEVER, I do agree w/ a rotating schedule...just not week-to-week, but rather month-to-month? Also, I really would like to have either one big weekend rewatch for big shippers episodes (Unfinished Business! Eye of Jupiter! Maelstrom!) like on a Sat night so that the most amount of people can participate (or maybe two rewatches?)
Anyway, I just want to host kick-ass afterparties. Flood my inbox. ;)
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