If you haven't seen it yet, there is a lovely essay
HERE at Entertainment Weekly's website talking about our pilots. Sarah Caldwell makes the case (with an awesomely impassioned shoutout by Darren Franich) for why Starbuck and Apollo are the best couple of all time
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Honestly, as much as I love LoVe, I actually like Casey best from season 1 and if not Casey than Leo. The people who put her with Don Lamb in stories make me want to punch them in the face.
If it makes you feel any better I refuse to watch season 3 of VM and I only watched season 2 once(the epic speech is somewhere within the last 2 episodes of the season). I have major issues with them re opening up the wounds to her rape. I really really didn't like her going back to Duncan, but at the same time at least she now knew what happened and then they dropped the beaver bomb.
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