New Pilots pics and A POLL

Nov 21, 2012 10:32 just put up a bunch of new behind the scenes on-location shots from Kamloops (where EOJ/Rapture filmed) and the location for Earth 1 (SAGN). There are a good number of smiling, laughing Jamie Bamber shots and some very cute Katee shots, including one of her kissing "Charbuck".  I am feeling all the feeeels.

Also, I've been thinking about this but unsure whether I should post or if anyone would be interested, and I saw that BSG Epics is doing something now too, but....I can't get enough pilots and I'm not sure there's much overlap between this comm and that, so is anyone interested in some kind of holiday fanwork posting? Fic, graphics, icons, vids, meta, whatever--as long as it's PILOTY? I miss having any kind of mentions on them on my flist. :(

I was thinking it could be something far less formal than the type of exchanges we did at Pilots Presents, but that it would still be nice for people to sign up/commit to creating SOMETHING, not just one of those prompt posts that goes woefully empty and unanswered. So....

Poll Holiday Fanwork Fest

I'm thinking if we get a few folks who say yes, maybe we could have signups by the 1st and a general prompty/idea/brainstorming post, and then you have all month of December to post your creations at your leisure! They don't have to be big, just made with piloty love. <3

holiday fanwork fest, photos

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