Welcome to Halloween, Pilots Style! :)
There's a meme going around on LJ for Halloween and I thought I'd adapt it for Halloween.
How to Ring the Doorbell:
Leave a comment if you'd like to play and include the words Trick or Treat, and someone else will come by and drop off a special Halloween treat for you related to pilots.
How to Leave a Treat:
Leave small treats for those who've rung our doorbell: icons, ficlets, graphics, jib-jabs, manips, etc. as a small treat. It'd be great if you could create something new, but feel free to leave trick-or-treaters with anything that you think they'd enjoy.
I hope everyone will have a chance to play, even if it's just to drop off a haiku for one of our trick or treaters.
Yesterday, at the Pilot ABCs post, we had a couple of delightful ficlets that I'm sure our writers would love for you to read:
Charm Bracelents by
word_vomity [PG]
Fly-Over by
winegums [G]
Sleepless Nights by
sci_fi_shipper [PG]
Quiet by
embolalia [R]