DPP: First Name Basis

Sep 24, 2012 17:51

Welcome to a new DPP week, pilotshippers! I've shamelessly stolen the title of this post from letterstonorah's flawless and amazing fic, but the actual topic really is the subject of the names of our pilots, and the ways that they use them.

We've seen in canon that pilots, for a couple so obviously in love on such an epic scale, are rather different from most couples in one major respect: we NEVER hear them call each other by an endearment or cheesy nickname, ever (callsigns don't count). When they're making epic declarations or not-quite declarations of love, or the eyefrakking is particularly intense, they tend to resort to first names or full names, like they do here:

This also happens quite a bit when they're in situations where they shouldn't be using first names, like when they're out flying and should be on callsigns - one of these that often get overlooked is in KLG1, when Lee uses her name over the comms just before Kara jumped away, when previously he'd been so mad at her he couldn't use anything but her rank when speaking to her. (and that brings me to my other point - when the denial/anger is running high, we see them resort to the most distant forms of address imaginable for them - their official ranks).

What do you think of all this, Shipper Nation? Feel free to discuss, and bring up all the other instances I missed out on!

PS: We have a new commentfic by dramaturgca over at the last DPP, and anyone who loves AUs should most definitely read it. You know what they say about a pilot by any other name....

dpp, pilots, daily pilots post, my otp are hot space pilots

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