I have a theory about Kara and her long hair as a child. I could very much see Socrata wanting it to be long, which Kara grew to hate. The first time she cut it was in high school. She cut it herself, ala Torn. Her mother pushed her down the stairs in retaliation, and Kara twisted her knee. This minor injury eventually led the injury that forced Kara out of pyramid and into flying.
yeah, hair that long on children can be high-maintenance when they're as young as Kara was in those Socrata flashbacks, I'd find it plausible that Socrata used to help maintain/comb her daughter's hair.
I also subscribe to the theory that Kara cut her hair short herself, though I think maybe she did it a little earlier than high school - like circa puberty.
Ohhh, when I was about that age I was *sure* my mom brushed and washed my hair just to be cruel to me. It hurt like hell. All those tangles and shampoo/conditioner in my eyes was a horror. Maybe Socrata liked to roughly do things to Kara's hair so kept it long on purpose.
Hi! ...hope you don't mind my butting in... That is a great theory, actually. Works for me. And also reminds me of my little detail thing that I could never work out:
How did a knee injury force Kara out of professional pyramid but not preclude her from flying? Particularly given we know from canon just how tip-top shape her knees have to be in in order to fly. G-forces harder on body than sports, no?
My theory on Kara's knee - because I do have one based on my knowledge of knees form dancing ballet - is that for activities like sports or dance knees need strength but also and almost more importantly range of motion in all direction. Not just the ability to bend but to twist, while what I gathered from the gym scene in canon is what Kara's knee needed for flying was strength, resistance to a certain number of Gs. It might not be perfect but it works for me.
This does bring up one of the odd things for me about the pilots though. How could size be so irrelevant? Kara and Kara are tiny while many of the guys must have been bent to fit into their vipers. Thoughts from the group.
I know the USAF actually looks for guys with Lee's build and height for fighter jets as (a) that's what physiological research has shown to be the body type that can resist G forces the best and (b) they build fighters for a pilot with a height max of 6 ft.
What other pilots were super tall other than Helo? My fanon has always been that Helo was a ECO because he was simply too tall for raptors same as the US military that shifts taller guys into the bomber, AWACs, helicopter, and other tracks. The military sends you where they want to send you based on a lot of research and testing and I assume the BSG universe was the same.
That is an excellent point - thankyou for that. I do so like a rational explanation for things! And as soon as you mentioned it, I really wondered about the pilot size/shape issue too, so thanks for posing that so we could get ^^ answer! Thanks all round, really!
I also subscribe to the theory that Kara cut her hair short herself, though I think maybe she did it a little earlier than high school - like circa puberty.
That is a great theory, actually. Works for me. And also reminds me of my little detail thing that I could never work out:
How did a knee injury force Kara out of professional pyramid but not preclude her from flying? Particularly given we know from canon just how tip-top shape her knees have to be in in order to fly. G-forces harder on body than sports, no?
This does bring up one of the odd things for me about the pilots though. How could size be so irrelevant? Kara and Kara are tiny while many of the guys must have been bent to fit into their vipers. Thoughts from the group.
What other pilots were super tall other than Helo? My fanon has always been that Helo was a ECO because he was simply too tall for raptors same as the US military that shifts taller guys into the bomber, AWACs, helicopter, and other tracks. The military sends you where they want to send you based on a lot of research and testing and I assume the BSG universe was the same.
And as soon as you mentioned it, I really wondered about the pilot size/shape issue too, so thanks for posing that so we could get ^^ answer! Thanks all round, really!
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