DPP: Show Yourself!!

Aug 20, 2012 20:45

Welcome to this week's DPP, everyone!

I'm going to kick this off with something we haven't had at all this year (WAY too long if you ask me), i.e.

I've noticed some new faces among the comments in the last few months, so whether you're new to the comm or a returning friendly, consider this the Shipper Nation Roll Call aka our very own Bat-Signal and show yourself - we want to get to know you all (or know you all over again)!

(all you have to do is copy/paste the code below into your comment, and answer the questions - as many or as few of them as you'd like)

Age/Location (if you want):
When did you start watching BSG?
Why do you ship K/L?
Do you ship anyone else in the show?
How did you find this comm?

Favorite character(s):
Least favourite character(s)
Favourite episode:
Favourite scene:
Favourite eyefrak:
Favourite handclasp/handshake:
Favourite pilotkiss:
Favourite Lee!Hair:
Favourite Kara!Hair:
Favourite pilotfic:
When it comes to pilots fandom, are you more into (reading or writing) fic, meta, or just plain squee? Or do you prefer other fanworks for them (fanmixes, graphics etc).

Other fandoms:
Favourite book:
Favourite movie:
Favourite tv show (currently airing):
Favourite tv show(completed):

What do you post on your journal?
Are you open to adding new friends to your FList or are you just super private and prefer to keep things locked down until you get to know people properly?
List your Twitter and chat (AIM, gChat, Yahoo) if you'd like
Three random facts about you:
If you could meet any person (dead, alive, real, fictional, apart from pilots of course) who would you choose?
Anything else you'd like to share?

feel free to back up your answers with pics, gifs and all that jazz - evidence of why stuff is your favourite is very much welcome :)

meme, shipper nation

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