Mini Meta Monday

Jul 16, 2012 08:15

So apparently I'm in charge this week - lord help us all.

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shipper nation makes me so happy i can't, meta, dpp, daily pilots post, my otp are hot space pilots

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winegums July 16 2012, 17:06:10 UTC
That's true, though he doesn't let anyone know what's going on besides Kara (and Dee finds out by listening in).

Come to think of it, no one offers him any help when he goes into depression following UB either. Not that anyone who was up there besides Dee could probably figure out what it was (since she alone knew the cause).


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winegums July 16 2012, 17:21:53 UTC
Pretty much everyone in the military besides Helo looks like they're severely in need of a whole raft of therapists.

I think Chief and Kara are the only ones who are ever offered the option, but taking help of that kind just doesn't seem to be part of that culture, since both of them reject it - the ONLY person who sees a shrink is Hera, and she's a toddler.


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rachelindeed July 16 2012, 19:13:11 UTC
I've always thought it was interesting in "Maelstrom," when Lee is talking with his Dad about whether Kara needs to be taken out of the cockpit, Lee says very matter of factly that during peacetime "we'd all be grounded." In other words, I think he's assuming that every single one of their pilots including himself is suffering some form of combat fatigue and/or post-traumatic stress, and that none of them would be allowed to fly if they had any other options. But they don't. They're all not safe to fly, to greater or lesser degrees, and they all go out anyway because it's a war of extermination they're facing and if they don't go out there's no one to replace them.


word_vomity July 16 2012, 20:07:18 UTC
I always felt like this was such a big piece of Lee's character that got overlooked. I guess they thought they could make it a quick little arc that tied up neatly with the Black Market episode. But really, we could have used much more development there. It's sort of played as 'he just got over it' more than I thought was realistic.

Although, I was always of the opinion that Lee was never actively suicidal. In that one moment of despair, he didn't fight to NOT die, but I think that may be worlds away from being suicidal. Idk, honestly. Not something I know a ton about, but it seems like there's a clear distinction there. To me anyways.

Regardless, he was in a terrible spot mentally and that doesn't just go away. You can argue that they revisited it again in his weight gain, but similarly to the hooker storyline, it felt so weird and poorly done as to be useless for the character's development.


n_e_star July 16 2012, 20:31:21 UTC
You can argue that they revisited it again in his weight gain,

Holy cow! I had never connected the two before, but... yeah. A passive form of despair.


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