DPP: Fanon aka Tie Me Up With Tropes

Apr 02, 2012 17:30

Welcome to this week's DPP, everyone! I'm usually all over the discussion of canon and I cheerfully admit it (can never get it out of my head), but today, I thought we'd talk about fanon instead.

We're very, very lucky to have a fandom that is a positive treasure trove of amazing fic, but today is all about discussing the tropes that we find in pilotfic. To name just a few:

1. Academy!pilots (though there haven't been too many of these since Daybreak)
2. Lee has a stick up his ass
3. Flying is like frakking for pilots (my personal favourite**)
.....and many, many more.

Now here is the question, Shipper Nation: what are the tropes you observe in BSG fic, and what do you think of them? Got any favourites (ones bordering on being kinks, even)? Any tropes you avoid, either while writing your own fic, or which bug you while you're reading someone else's? Or even any theories on how they came about? Tell us all about it!


(and if anyone has examples of fics that employ a trope well, or use a much-disliked trope in a way that does justice to pilots, feel free to rec away!)

dpp, fandom, daily pilots post

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