Flesh and Bone Rewatch, tonight at 8PM EST

Feb 24, 2012 09:43

Heyo, all! Tonight we'll be watching Flesh and Bone--i.e. "Kara Thrace is a BAMF."

See you all back here at 8! I can't wait :-D!

ETA ok guys. I'm so sorry again (and somewhere in the back of my mind I knew better than to sign up for these rewatch days), but they've switched times on me IRL yet again so I now have something I have to do tonight. So if anyone wants to pinch hit for me (again, I know! I suck! I'm sorry!!) I would appreciate it so so much! And luckily the next rewatch I've signed up to do will not have any issues because it's months from now and my crazy schedule will have calmed down by then.

Again, really sorry!! I miss you all!! I'm slapping my wrist.

rewatch, reminder

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